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본고는 한국문화의 세계화를 위한 한류의 지속 및 확장 방안으로서 ‘문화원형 디지털 콘텐츠 사업’의 적합성과 중요성을 지적하고자 하였다. 세계화 시대 문화교류의 효율성을 높이기 위해서는 한국 특유의 문화적 매력과 더불어 세계인의 공감을 일으킬 수 있는 보편성을 지닌 콘텐츠가 요구된다. 예컨대 <가을동화>가 한국과 중국에서 더욱 선풍적인 인기를 끈 이유는 ‘공무도하가’의 주요 소재인 ‘물’의 모성적이며 재생적 원형을 <가을동화>의 마지막 장면이 담아냈다는 데서 찾을 수 있다. 그런데 이는 또한 중국 길례성 내의 조선현이란 지역이 지니는 문화적 특수성으로 해석할 수 있는 양가성을 지닌다. ‘문화’와 ‘원형’의 개념을 종합한다면, ‘문화원형’은 문화변동을 의식한 개념이다. 한편 문화콘텐츠진흥원의 ‘문화원형’은 상품 가치를 띤 고유의 원형이라는 개념을 강하게 내포한다. 다시 말해 문화원형 사업은 한국 고유의 전통 소재에서 창의적인 것을 발굴해 냄으로써 콘텐츠의 이윤창출을 극대화하고자 하는 의도에서 시작되었다. 콘텐츠 창작을 위한 소재로서 문화원형 선정에서 트렌드 반영성은 중요한 기준으로 작용한다. 그런데 트렌드는 변화하는 것이기도하지만 일본의 <겨울연가> 열풍의 사례에서 보듯 그 집단의 문화적 전통과 밀접한 관계를 지니고 있다. 따라서 상업적 트렌드 조사는 실제로 그 나라의 전통과 문화에 대한 조사와 병행되어야 할 것이다. 요컨대 문화원형 디지털 콘텐츠 사업은 시간의 부식을 견뎌낸 보편성 있는 원형 중에서도 트렌드에 맞는 원형을 선정함으로써 보편성과 특수성의 조화를 통한 한국문화의 세계화에 소기의 성과를 거두고 있다고 하겠다.

This study attempted to indicate the appropriateness and importance of ‘cultural archetype-based digital contents projects’ as a method of continuing and expanding Hallyu for the globalization of Korean culture. In order to enhance the efficiency of cultural exchange in an age of globalization, it is required to have the universal content that can create a sense of sharing as well as unique Korean cultural attraction. For instance, the fact that <Autumn Story> has been a sensational hit in Korea and China would be that it contained the maternal and regenerative archetype of ‘water’ - a primary subject matter of ‘Gonmudoha-ga’ at its last scene. Furthermore, it could have an ambivalence that could be interpreted owing to the cultural distinctiveness that an area named Joseon-hyeon in Gilrye-seong, China had. If given an opportunity to summarize the concepts of ‘culture’ and ‘archetype’, ‘cultural archetype’ would be a concept that kept cultural change. In the meantime, the 'cultural archetype' of Korea Culture & Content Agency strongly implies the concept of a unique archetype with commercial value. In other words, the cultural archetype-based projects began with an intention of maximizing the profit creation through contents by searching for something creative out of unique Korean traditions. Trend reactivity has served as an important criterion in the selection of cultural archetype as the subject for contents creation. However, the trend may be changed, but it could be closely related to the cultural tradition of a given group as shown in the case of a Japanese <Winter Sonata> fever. Therefore, the survey on commercial trend should be done along with the tradition and culture of the given country. In short, the culture archetype-based digital contents projects have achieved expected initial accomplishments in terms of the globalization of Korean culture through the harmony of universality and distinctiveness, by selecting the archetypes that matched the trend among various archetypes with long-lasting universality.

This study attempted to indicate the appropriateness and importance of ‘cultural archetype-based digital contents projects’ as a method of continuing and expanding Hallyu for the globalization of Korean culture. In order to enhance the efficiency of cultural exchange in an age of globalization, it is required to have the universal content that can create a sense of sharing as well as unique Korean cultural attraction. For instance, the fact that <Autumn Story> has been a sensational hit in Korea and China would be that it contained the maternal and regenerative archetype of ‘water’ - a primary subject matter of ‘Gonmudoha-ga’ at its last scene. Furthermore, it could have an ambivalence that could be interpreted owing to the cultural distinctiveness that an area named Joseon-hyeon in Gilrye-seong, China had. If given an opportunity to summarize the concepts of ‘culture’ and ‘archetype’, ‘cultural archetype’ would be a concept that kept cultural change. In the meantime, the 'cultural archetype' of Korea Culture & Content Agency strongly implies the concept of a unique archetype with commercial value. In other words, the cultural archetype-based projects began with an intention of maximizing the profit creation through contents by searching for something creative out of unique Korean traditions. Trend reactivity has served as an important criterion in the selection of cultural archetype as the subject for contents creation. However, the trend may be changed, but it could be closely related to the cultural tradition of a given group as shown in the case of a Japanese <Winter Sonata> fever. Therefore, the survey on commercial trend should be done along with the tradition and culture of the given country. In short, the culture archetype-based digital contents projects have achieved expected initial accomplishments in terms of the globalization of Korean culture through the harmony of universality and distinctiveness, by selecting the archetypes that matched the trend among various archetypes with long-lasting universality.