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This study examines the main points of DongUiBoGam(東醫寶鑑) based on the preface(序) and Compiled Examples(集禮) of DongUiBoGam(東醫寶鑑). The results of this study are the following: 1) DongUiBoGam(東醫寶鑑)'s InSinReon(人身論: man-body doctrine) states that Form(形-hyeong) and Jeong(精), Ki(氣), Sin(神) are the foundation and the Organs are the mediators. 2) DongUiBoGam(東醫寶鑑) includes Taoism, Buddhism, and Medical Science. 3) DongUiBoGam(東醫寶鑑)'s NaeGyeongChapter(內景篇), OeHyeongChapter(外形篇), JapByeongChapter(雜病篇)'s name shows that each chapter's key concept is Gyeing(景-??), Hyeong(形-Form), and Byeong(病-Sickness). 4) The purpose of DongUiBoGam(東醫寶鑑) is Following the Ideas Handed Down From Forefathers(慕古人之遺意), and in this prospect, the context could be named, 'The Treasure Box and Mirror of Eastern Ideas' (東意寶鑑-DongUiBoGam).

This study examines the main points of DongUiBoGam(東醫寶鑑) based on the preface(序) and Compiled Examples(集禮) of DongUiBoGam(東醫寶鑑). The results of this study are the following: 1) DongUiBoGam(東醫寶鑑)'s InSinReon(人身論: man-body doctrine) states that Form(形-hyeong) and Jeong(精), Ki(氣), Sin(神) are the foundation and the Organs are the mediators. 2) DongUiBoGam(東醫寶鑑) includes Taoism, Buddhism, and Medical Science. 3) DongUiBoGam(東醫寶鑑)'s NaeGyeongChapter(內景篇), OeHyeongChapter(外形篇), JapByeongChapter(雜病篇)'s name shows that each chapter's key concept is Gyeing(景-??), Hyeong(形-Form), and Byeong(病-Sickness). 4) The purpose of DongUiBoGam(東醫寶鑑) is Following the Ideas Handed Down From Forefathers(慕古人之遺意), and in this prospect, the context could be named, 'The Treasure Box and Mirror of Eastern Ideas' (東意寶鑑-DongUiBoGam).