초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study is on the philosophy and medical science of Lee Gyu Jun, who is the author of SoMunDaeYo and UiGamJungMa. Lee Gyu Jun proposed that Providence is made of Ki, and the Pure Good of Ki is the composing principle of the universe. The Ki could be Pure Good because it embraces Reason of Law inside itself, as a part of itself. This developed as a result of absorbing the ideas from Han and Tang Dynasty's' Ki-Philosophy trend, the latter half of the Joseon Dynasty's Heart Nature Doctrine centered Ri(理:reason)-Monism trend, and Sim(心:heart) centered teachings of Wang Yang Ming, etc. Later, his philosophical Ki-Monism(氣一元 GiIlWon) and SimAngKiReon(心陽氣論) appears exactly in medical science and continues on to Ki-Monism(氣一元 GiIlWon) and SimHwaReon(心火論).

This study is on the philosophy and medical science of Lee Gyu Jun, who is the author of SoMunDaeYo and UiGamJungMa. Lee Gyu Jun proposed that Providence is made of Ki, and the Pure Good of Ki is the composing principle of the universe. The Ki could be Pure Good because it embraces Reason of Law inside itself, as a part of itself. This developed as a result of absorbing the ideas from Han and Tang Dynasty's' Ki-Philosophy trend, the latter half of the Joseon Dynasty's Heart Nature Doctrine centered Ri(理:reason)-Monism trend, and Sim(心:heart) centered teachings of Wang Yang Ming, etc. Later, his philosophical Ki-Monism(氣一元 GiIlWon) and SimAngKiReon(心陽氣論) appears exactly in medical science and continues on to Ki-Monism(氣一元 GiIlWon) and SimHwaReon(心火論).