초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study compared the figures of viscera (臟腑圖) in the seventh volume titled "Body" of Sancaituhui (三才圖會), the illustrated Encyclopedia published in the Ming Dynasty (明代), and the figures of viscera in Leijingtuyi (類經圖翼). One hundred and six volume Sancaituhui was compiled by Wang Qi (王圻) and his son Wang Siyi (王思義) in the Ming Dynasty. It was first published in 1607 and republished in 1609. Sancaituhui is somewhat different from other existing medical books in terms of form and content. Thus, this study examined the difference. Another comprehensive medical book, Leijingtuyi, was written by Zhang Jing-yue (張景岳) in 1624. Both Sancaituhui and Leijingtuyi were published in China before Terrenz's Taixirenshenshuogai (泰西人身說槪), the book which first introduced Western anatomy. Therefore, this study accessed the two medical books to examine the development of figures of viscera before the instruction of Western medicine.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Traditional chinese medicine, Figures of Viscera, Sancaituhui, Wang Qi