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국가의 중요정책에 스포츠분야가 포함되는 것은 당연하다. 올림픽 등 각종 경기대회에서 국위선양을 하고 국민화합과 삶의 질을 높이는데 스포츠계의 공헌 · 공로는 대단하다고 누구나 인정한다. 그러나 법을 통한 제도적 뒷받침은 참으로 열악하고, 50대 중요 국정과제에 들어가지 못하고 있다. 또한 스포츠행정 분야는 여러 부처에 분산되어 있으므로 정책의 기획이나 집행이 어려운 경우가 많다. 스포츠기본법의 제정이 시급한 실정이다. 그 이유를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 현행 스포츠 관련법령의 정비의 필요, 스포츠정책의 종합화, 스포츠기본권과 스포츠자치권의 보장, 스포츠진흥을 위한 학교와 지역사회의 협력, 학교체육과 엘리트선수 양성의 정상화, 스포츠지도자의 자격과 연수제도, 프로스포츠와 스포츠산업의 발전에 기여, 장애인스포츠의 법제도적 정비, 스포츠분쟁해결기구의 법정화 필요, 국제스포츠교류와 통일스포츠에 대한 법적 근거 필요 등이다. 따라서 이법의 내용은 이 법은 국민의 스포츠기본권의 보장, 스포츠선수의 보호, 스포츠정책의 종합화, 스포츠단체의 올바른 위상정립, 학교스포츠의 정상화, 스포츠시설의 설치와 이용의 적정화, 스포츠행정조직의 효율화, 스포츠안전과 사고대책, 스포츠를 통한 국제협력과 남북교류협력, 스포츠의 물적 · 인적자원의 합리적 관리 등을 포괄적으로 규율해야 할 것이다. 이 논문에서는 현행스포츠관련법령의 문제점을 밝히고, 스포츠기본법이 필요한 이유와 법제정의 타당성, 그리고 법에 담겨야 할 구체적인 내용을 검토하려고 한다.

Sport policy is expected to be one of the national key policies. Nobody has doubt that sport has contributed significantly to the enhancement of national prestige through all sorts of international competitions including Olympic games, national reconciliation, and elevation of life quality. In spite of these contributions, legal and institutional support for the development of national sport is appeared to be insufficient. Sport policy is not even considered as one of the 50 major tasks for the national policies. Sport related administrative services are dispersed into several departments and thus it makes efficient policy planning and operation difficult. Therefore, the author would emphasize that we are under the very urgent circumstances to enact the fundamental law of sport. The follows are the reasons why we need the fundamental law of sport: 1) the improvement of current sport related laws to meet the realistic needs of civil lives; 2) synthesis of sport policies; 3) protection of sport right and sport autonomy; 4) collaboration between schools and communities for sport promotion; 5) normalization of school physical education and elite athlete bringing up; 6) contribution to the development of professional sport and sport industry; 7) legal and institutional improvement for the sport of the handicapped; 8) legalization of agency to resolve sport related disputes; and 9) need of legal foundation for international sport exchange and unification between South and North Korea via sport. The contents of this law should be involved in 1) the protection of sport right for the people, 2) protection for the athletes, 3) synthesis of sport policies, 4) establishment of dignity for the sport related institutions, 5) normalization of school physical education, 6) appropriateness of sport facility installment and utilization, 7) efficiency of sport administration, 8) risk management for sport activities, 9) national(South and North Korea) and international exchange cooperation via sport, and 10) resonable management of both material and human resources for sport. In sum, this study was to investigate what the problems of the current sport related laws are, to explain why we need the fundamental law of sport and what is the appropriateness of enactment, and to suggest what the specific contents of the fundamental law of sport should be included in.

Sport policy is expected to be one of the national key policies. Nobody has doubt that sport has contributed significantly to the enhancement of national prestige through all sorts of international competitions including Olympic games, national reconciliation, and elevation of life quality. In spite of these contributions, legal and institutional support for the development of national sport is appeared to be insufficient. Sport policy is not even considered as one of the 50 major tasks for the national policies. Sport related administrative services are dispersed into several departments and thus it makes efficient policy planning and operation difficult. Therefore, the author would emphasize that we are under the very urgent circumstances to enact the fundamental law of sport. The follows are the reasons why we need the fundamental law of sport: 1) the improvement of current sport related laws to meet the realistic needs of civil lives; 2) synthesis of sport policies; 3) protection of sport right and sport autonomy; 4) collaboration between schools and communities for sport promotion; 5) normalization of school physical education and elite athlete bringing up; 6) contribution to the development of professional sport and sport industry; 7) legal and institutional improvement for the sport of the handicapped; 8) legalization of agency to resolve sport related disputes; and 9) need of legal foundation for international sport exchange and unification between South and North Korea via sport. The contents of this law should be involved in 1) the protection of sport right for the people, 2) protection for the athletes, 3) synthesis of sport policies, 4) establishment of dignity for the sport related institutions, 5) normalization of school physical education, 6) appropriateness of sport facility installment and utilization, 7) efficiency of sport administration, 8) risk management for sport activities, 9) national(South and North Korea) and international exchange cooperation via sport, and 10) resonable management of both material and human resources for sport. In sum, this study was to investigate what the problems of the current sport related laws are, to explain why we need the fundamental law of sport and what is the appropriateness of enactment, and to suggest what the specific contents of the fundamental law of sport should be included in.