초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The scope of trade secret protection has changed in time and situation, and thereof it is needed to review the interpretation for non-competition duty in conflict with trade secret protection. This study observes how the definition of trade secrets has been made through the history of US "Uniform Trade Secret Act". And then it examines a few cases on the scope of trade secret protection for the computer technology recently drawing serious attention. It also reviews the scope and limitation of non-competition duty which are derived from the emphasis on trade secret protection.

The scope of trade secret protection has changed in time and situation, and thereof it is needed to review the interpretation for non-competition duty in conflict with trade secret protection. This study observes how the definition of trade secrets has been made through the history of US "Uniform Trade Secret Act". And then it examines a few cases on the scope of trade secret protection for the computer technology recently drawing serious attention. It also reviews the scope and limitation of non-competition duty which are derived from the emphasis on trade secret protection.