초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The convenience and versatility of the hyper-text makes web-pages written by Hyper Text Markup Language indispensable part of the internet services and the internet web-pages became inundated by a variety of types of unsolicited advertisements. The advent of the ad-blocking software is an inevitable reaction to fulfill the needs of the users of the Internet to cope with the advertisements. The use of the ad-blocking software, however, may bring about some legal issues in the aspect of intellectual property and tort law. This paper addresses the legal issues in terms of intellectual property aspects such as copyright, trademark and unfair-competition. The issues are also discussed in terms of the tort law including misappropriation, interference with prospective contract, trespass to chattels in the American legal doctrine. The case study gives a speculative perspective on the proper equilibrium between the intellectual property law and tort law