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이 연구는 신자유주의 노동시장이 여성노동자의 신분과 조건을 어떻게 변화시키는지를 파악하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 두 가지 작업을 시도하였다. 하나는 가부장적 자본주의 노동시장에서의 여성노동자의 신분과 조건을 여성노동자성으로 개념화하여 그 근대적 이념형을 제시하는 것이었다. 여성노동자성의 개념 틀은 여성에 대한 가부장적 존재구속성과 자본의 노동전략이 선택적 친화력을 가지고 상호작용하는 구도를 보여주었다. 여성노동자성의 근대적 이념형은 성신분계급, 여성노동, 주부노동자로 요약되었다. 또 다른 작업은 노동의 유연화 전략이 여성노동자성과 어떠한 함수관계를 갖는 것인지, 그리고 이것이 여성노동자성에 어떠한 변화를 야기하는 것인지를 파악하는 것이었다. 한국의 경우 노동의 유연화는 정규직의 비정규직화, 수량적 유연화, 명목적 시간제로 특징지워지는데 이는 여성노동자성을 적극 이용하는 전략으로 간파되었으며 그 결과 여성노동자성을 확대 심화시키는 것으로 나타났다. 여성노동자성의 신자유주의적 특징은 비정규여성노동, 이등직업신분계급, 주부노동자예비군으로 집약되었다. 한편 학교 비정규직 영양사와 학습지 교사에 대한 사례연구는 고학력의 여성노동자들이 전문직에서 일용잡급직으로 전락하거나 또는 법적 인정과 보호를 받지 못하는 ‘비근로자’ 로 배제되는 방식으로 여성노동자성이 심화되는 현장을 확인하게 해 주었다. 이러한 상황은 결국 여성노동자성과 친화성을 지니는 고용 스탠다드가 노동시장 전반에 확산되는 것이므로 여성노동자성에 내포된 차별과 배제의 개념을 여성노동자를 위시한 사회적 약자 모두에게 적용되는 개념으로 그 외연을 확장시킬 필요성을 제기하는 것이다.

This study attempts to make clear how the neoliberal labor market changes the status and the condition of female workers in Korea. The first work concerns the conceptualization of 'worker's femaleness' and it's modern ideal type in order to characterize the status and the condition of female workers. The main concepts of the modern ideal type of worker's femaleness can be defined in terms of sex-caste class, women's work and housewife worker. The another work attempts to show the coorelation between the flexibilization of the labor market and worker's femaleness, and the changing characteristics of worker's femaleness in the neoliberal labor market. This work found out two points. First, the flexibilization of the labor market in Korea is characterized by the irregularization of the regular work, the quantative flexibilization, and the nominal part-time work, and these are carried out through the gender-specific strategies capitalizing on worker's femaleness. Second, as a result, the characteristics of worker's femaleness in the neoliberal labor market can be found in nonstandard worker, marginal status-class worker, housewife reserve army worker. The case study demonstrated that the female worker with college degree was downgraded into 'non worker'(legally unrecognized and unprotected worker) and daily worker of sundry payment. This means the degradation and the expansion of worker's femaleness in the neoliberal labor market ; the concept of worker's femaleness as the connotation of exclusion and of discrimination needs to be applied not only to female workers but also to the marginal class in the neoliberal labor market.

This study attempts to make clear how the neoliberal labor market changes the status and the condition of female workers in Korea. The first work concerns the conceptualization of 'worker's femaleness' and it's modern ideal type in order to characterize the status and the condition of female workers. The main concepts of the modern ideal type of worker's femaleness can be defined in terms of sex-caste class, women's work and housewife worker. The another work attempts to show the coorelation between the flexibilization of the labor market and worker's femaleness, and the changing characteristics of worker's femaleness in the neoliberal labor market. This work found out two points. First, the flexibilization of the labor market in Korea is characterized by the irregularization of the regular work, the quantative flexibilization, and the nominal part-time work, and these are carried out through the gender-specific strategies capitalizing on worker's femaleness. Second, as a result, the characteristics of worker's femaleness in the neoliberal labor market can be found in nonstandard worker, marginal status-class worker, housewife reserve army worker. The case study demonstrated that the female worker with college degree was downgraded into 'non worker'(legally unrecognized and unprotected worker) and daily worker of sundry payment. This means the degradation and the expansion of worker's femaleness in the neoliberal labor market ; the concept of worker's femaleness as the connotation of exclusion and of discrimination needs to be applied not only to female workers but also to the marginal class in the neoliberal labor market.