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본 연구는 비공식적 영역인 가정에서 행해지는 무급 가사노동의 성평등한 분담을 위한 기초연구자료로서 여성과 남성의 가사노동 시간사용에 영향을 미치는 요인을 실증자료를 통해 검증하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이와 같은 분석을 위해 ‘시간 가용성'이론, ‘상대적 자원’이론, ‘사회화된 성역할’이론에서 가사노동의 중요한 예측요인으로 제시하고 있는 변수로서 본인의 노동시간, 배우자의 노동시간, 본인의 소득, 배우자와의 소득 차(gap), 전통적 성역할에 대한 태도를 선정하여 가사노동 시간에 미치는 영향을 검증하였다. 분석자료로는 통계청이 2004년 발간한 생활 시간조사를 활용하였으며, 미취학 자녀가 있는 20~50대 맞벌이 가구 여성과 남성을 대상으로 선정하였다. 검증결과 여성과 남성 모두 가사노동 시간사용에 가장 강력한 영향을 미치는 요인은 본인의 노동시간과 배우자의 노동시간으로 나타났으며, 이외 여성의 경우 소득 수준이, 남성의 경우 전통적 성역할에 대한 태도가 각각 가사노동 시간사용에 유의한 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 즉 맞벌이 가구 여성은 노동시간이 길수록, 배우자의 노동시간이 짧을수록, 소득수준이 높을수록 더 적은 가사노동시간을 사용하였으며, 맞벌이 가구 남성은 노동시간이 짧을수록, 배우자의 노동시간이 길수록, 전통적 성역할에 대해 반대할수록 더 많은 가사노동 시간을 사용하였다.
The purpose of the research is to discuss reconciliation of work and family policy to provide parental right and labor right of women and men, and investigate factors that affect women's and men's time use for their houseworks. For empirical study, the research used time diary data and selected samples of married women and men of dual earner family with children under schoolage. To search for factors that affect time use for housework, the research used Muliple Regression Analysis and found some interesting results. For married women, respondents' age(negative), educational achievement (positive), time use for paid work(negative), and gender equality perspective(negative) were statistically significant with time use for her housework. For married men, educational achievement (positive), time use for paid work(negative), and gender equality perspective (negative) were statistically significant with time use for his housework. Of all the independent variables, respondent's time use for paid work affected dependent variable(time use for housework) most significantly. The results indicate that family-friendly working time policy, equal work and opportunity, and cultural change for gender role could help more gender equal division of housework and balance of work and family.
The purpose of the research is to discuss reconciliation of work and family policy to provide parental right and labor right of women and men, and investigate factors that affect women's and men's time use for their houseworks. For empirical study, the research used time diary data and selected samples of married women and men of dual earner family with children under schoolage. To search for factors that affect time use for housework, the research used Muliple Regression Analysis and found some interesting results. For married women, respondents' age(negative), educational achievement (positive), time use for paid work(negative), and gender equality perspective(negative) were statistically significant with time use for her housework. For married men, educational achievement (positive), time use for paid work(negative), and gender equality perspective (negative) were statistically significant with time use for his housework. Of all the independent variables, respondent's time use for paid work affected dependent variable(time use for housework) most significantly. The results indicate that family-friendly working time policy, equal work and opportunity, and cultural change for gender role could help more gender equal division of housework and balance of work and family.
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dual-earner family, time use for housework, time use for paid work, gender equality, balance of work and family