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한국사회에 만연한 외모중심주의가 십대 여성들의 자아존중감 훼손을 야기할 수 있다고 보고하는 선행 연구들은 십대들이 외모중심주의를 극복할 수 있는 ‘힘 기르기’ 교육이 시급함을 시사한다. 하지만 최근 이루어지고 있는 외모중심주의 인식 개선 교육 프로그램들은 그 전제나 내용이 ‘자기 몸 사랑하기’나 ‘몸에 대한 인식전환’ 등 자아의 문제에 머물러 있어 십대들에게 외모중심적인 인식을 조장하고 강요하는 일상적 문화와 성형의료산업 등 외부조건에 대한 비판을 결여하고 있다. 이러한 문제의식을 기초로 본 연구는 십대들로 하여금 외모중심적 인식을 ‘삐딱하게' 보도록 돕기 위한 교육적 개입은 첫째, 십대들에게 성형에 대한 욕망을 추동하고 외모의 중요성을 끊임없이 환기시키는 또래, 부모, 교사, 대중매체 등을 아우르는 일상문화, 둘째, 미의 기준을 생산하며 그것을 과학과 기술이라는 이름으로 포장하는 남성중심적 성형의료산업 등에 대한 비판을 수반해야 한다고 제안한다.

Existing research suggests that there be educational programs for teenagers who are vulnerable to so-called ‘look-ism' that pervades Korean society. According to studies on ‘look-ism', it has undermined teenagers' self-esteem. In this vein, programs that these studies propose are centered mainly around the modernist ideology that is geared to urging individuals to overcome one's environment, no matter what that is. This is because oneself that is premised in modernism is thought to be equipped with indomitable will and rationality. However, researchers of this article point out that those existing studies and programs based on them still remain around the ‘self' that can be modified with one's will. Researcher on this article, instead, bring the outer environment that promotes ‘look-ism' to teenagers into question. That is, researchers on this study emphasize that teenagers ‘in the process of becoming' should criticize their environment that whispers ‘look-ism' on a daily basis and take a reflective position toward it. The environment that present researchers problematize includes friends, parents, and even school teachers, all of whom foster the significant meanings of appearance to teenagers. So-called ‘beauty industry' that covers up their capitalistic desires with jargons of science and technique and misleads teenage consumers is one of the problematic environment as well. Lastly, internet media that produces, circulates, and reproduces of ‘talks of the bright side' of plastic surgeries should be one of objects that teenagers take a critical stance toward. Educational programs that is intended to facilitate teenagers to become a ‘resistant subjects' is required to focus on the environment surrounding them, not just teenagers' self itself.