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조혈모세포이식(stem cell transplantation) 환자의 희망에 대한 주관성을 유형화하고 유형별 특성을 파악하기 위해 시도되었다. 33개의 Q표본(Q sample)을 이용하여 S시에 소재하는 H병원과 S병원에서 조혈모세포이식을 받은 환자를 대상으로 하였다. 연구결과 아이겐값(Eigen value)이 1.0 이상으로 3개의 유형이 분류되었다. 제1유형은 “자기 확신형”으로 명명되었고, 제2유형은 “영적⋅사회적 지지형”, 제3유형은 “주관적 건강 지각⋅현실노력형”으로 분류되었다. 조혈모세포이식 환자들의 희망 유형에 따른 희망증진 간호중재 방안의 모색이 필요하며, 개발된 전략을 적용한다면 환자들이 무균실에서 이식치료를 받는 상황에서 보다 더 긍정적으로 적응할 수 있을 것으로 사료되며 더불어 삶의 질이 향상될 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.

This study is tried in order to present fundamental materials for developing nursing interventions which improve hope for the patients who undergone hematopoietic stem cell transplantation(HSCT) by concreting the subjectivity of the patients’ hope and understanding the characteristics according to the types of hope. Subjects were the patients who undergone HSCT. This study focused on 33 Q samples among the patients. Data were collected from P samples of 13 people among the 33 samples through convenience sampling. Data analysis was done by PC QUANL Program. Eigen Value was over 1.0 and the data were classified into 3 types. Firstly, type 1 “Self-confidence Hope”. Secondly, type 2 which is referred to as “Sociospiritual support Hope”. Lastly, three patients were classified as type 3 and it was referred to as “Health perceptional⋅Endeavor Hope”. As the result, this study certified that there are differences in between hope according to the types of the patients who had HSCT and this will contribute to the development of nursing interventions which improve hope of the patients according to the types and quality nursing care.