초록 열기/닫기 버튼

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Demand for direct shipments via express couriers has been increasing over the last few years with the explosive growth of e-business, telemarketing, and TV home-shopping industries . Even if most of service centers are directly linked to a consolidation terminal in couriers service network, some of them with regional disadvantages are operated in milk run type from/to the consolidation terminal, which belongs to traditional PDP (Pick-up and Delivery Problem). This study suggests an approach to solve the PDP with the objective of maximizing the incremental profit. After the PDP is converted to TSP (Traveling Salesman Problem) with the same objective, a heuristic algorithm is developed for solving the problem and illustrated through an example problem based on real situation of a couriers service company in Korea.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

express couriers service, consolidation terminal, PDP, incremental profit, TSP