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Objectives: Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) plays an important role in metabolizing catecholamines,including dopamine. Also, several single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the COMT gene are associated with schizophrenia. Therefore, this study aimed to find the association between COMT gene SNPs and schizophrenia in Koreans. Methods: Participants were 366 schizophrenia patients and 359 normal controls. To identify the SNPs, we performed genetic analyses in 4 SNP regions, via SNP-ITTM assays. We compared allele,genotype, and haplotype frequencies between the two groups. Moreover, we built subgroups,based on onset age, and compared individual allele and genotype frequencies among these subgroups. Results: In female patients, genotype frequencies showed a significant difference in rs2020917among the 4 SNPs (p=0.0224), but haplotype frequencies showed no such difference among the 4 SNPs between patients and controls. We noted a significant difference in rs1544325 allele frequencies according to onset age. Also, in female patients, rs1544325 allele and genotype frequencies varied significantly according to onset age. Conclusion: This study found no genetic association between the COMT gene’ s 4 SNPs and schizophrenia in Koreans. However, our findings suggest genetic components for sex-specificity and onset age in Korean schizophrenics.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

정신분열병·단일염기 다형성·COMT 유전자·유전자형·대립유전자·일배체형·연관분석.