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1) 환자들의 평균 연령은 42.9±9.0세였으며 병적 도박의가족력이 있는 경우는 12명(30%)이었다. 2) 환자들의 평균 지능은 109.7±10.4로 평균 범주에 속하는 결과를 보였고, MMPI-2에서 하위척도 2번(D)과 4번(Pd)이 60.1±12.9점, 62.6±11.1점으로 병적 도박 환자들에서 흔히 나타나는 2-4/4-2 패턴을 보였다. TCI에서 높은 수준의NS 점수, 중간 수준의 HA, RD, PS, ST 점수, 낮은 수준의SD와 CO 점수를 보였다. 3) 30명(75%)의 환자가 공존질환을 가지고 있었으며, 우울증이 가장 많았고(14명, 35%), 그 다음으로 불안장애(5명,12.5%), 알코올사용장애(5명, 12.5%), 인격장애(4명, 10%)의순이었고, 소수에서 양극성 정동장애(1명, 2.5%) 조현병(1명,2.5%)이 진단되었다. 4) 치료 전후의 K-NODS 점수는 각각 평균 9.1±1.5에서7.6±2.7점으로 BDI 점수는 23.5±5.8에서 11.1±3.2점으로,STAI-I 점수는 52.6±10.3에서 41.9±7.1점으로, STAI-II 점수는 53.7±0.6에서 46.0±4.4점으로 통계적으로 의미 있는수준으로 호전되었다.

Objectives The purpose of this study is investigate the clinical characteristics and the change of depression and anxiety in pathological gamblers who completed 10-week admission treatment programs. Methods To investigate the clinical characteristics, we included 40 pathological gamblers who completed admission treatment programs from Jan 2006 to Jun 2010. To measure the change through treatment, we included 16 patients who completed pre-treatment and post-treatment assessment scales, including the Korean-National Opinion Research Center DSM-IV Screen for Gambling Problems (K-NODS), Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI), and the State-trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), from May 2008 to Aug 2008. Results Mean age of the patients was 42.9±9.0 years and mean intelligent quotient was 109.7±10.4. Thirty (75%) patients showed comorbid disorders, including depression (14 patients, 35%),anxiety disorder (five patients, 12.5%), alcohol use disorder (five patients, 12.5%), and personality disorder (four patients, 10%). After treatment, K-NODS, BDI, STAI-I, and STAI-II scores showed improvement, from 9.1±1.5 to 7.6±2.7, from 23.5±5.8 to 11.1±3.2, from 52.6±10.3 to 41.9±7.1,and from 53.7±10.6 to 46.0±4.4, respectively. Conclusion In treatment of pathological gambling, comorbid psychiatric risk factors, such as depression and anxiety should be considered.