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이 글에서 제안한 특별사면의 사전적 통제의 구도는 이러하다. 첫째, 절차통제를 기본으로 하고 요건통제는 최소화 한다. 둘째, 절차통제는 내부통제를 중심으로 하고 외부통제는 보완적 장치로 한다. 셋째, 외부통제는 대법원을 통한 통제를 기본으로 하고 국회를 통한 통제는 보완적으로 한다. 넷째, 사면의 시혜적 성격을 탈피시킨다는 의미에서도 사면신청제도를 도입한다.

The Constitution of South Korea, based on the Korean people’s deep enthusiasm for democracy during the 1980s, provides in Article 79 for the pardoning power of President. However, the pardon system was introduced into South Korea in 1948 at the same time with the establishment of nation. The history of pardon, especially special pardon, in South Korea has been spotted with the arbitrary and excessive abuse of the pardon power. This unpleasant experience makes the reform of pardon system to be the necessary task for limiting arbitrary abuse of special pardon power. Accordingly, this article aims to make a plan for the reforming of the special pardon system in South Korea. This article is composed of five chapters. The first chapter is on introduction of this article. The second chapter is the history of the trial for reforming of the special pardon system. The third chapter is the pardon system in USA. The forth chapter is on the discussion for revision of pardon law. The last chapter is the way of revision of pardon law as a conclusion of this article. The important needs for the legislation to check and limit a special pardon power has been proposed, as follows. First, it is required that the “exclusion of pardon article” which those who commit a anti-human crime excludes from pardon should be added to the existing pardon law. Second, the committee of reviewing pardon should be reformed for doing its task independently. For doing so, its nine members need to be nominated by the President, the Assembly and the Supreme Court equally. Third, President should take opinion of the president of Supreme Court prior to granting amnesty.