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정부간 관계이론(IGR)의 최근 경향은 거버넌스(governance) 이론과 공통점을 지닌다. 이 논문에서는 지방정부간 거버넌스를 지방정부들이 갖는 공통의 문제를 해결하기 위해 참여자들이 기존의 계층제를 벗어나 문제 해결에 필요한 각종 자원을 활용하여 상호의존적으로 문제를 해결하는 새로운 네트워크 체계라 정의하고, 수도권교통조합의 사례를 중심으로 지방정부간 관계의 거버넌스 구축 방안을 검토하였다. 거버넌스의 결정요인을 제도적 측면과 행태적 측면으로 구분해 수도권교통조합의 거버넌스 수준을 분석해 보면 조합의 재원, 협력체 구성의 자발성, 협력 목표에의 일치성, 협력의 빈도에 있어서는 거버넌스 수준이 높게 나타난 반면, 규칙의 구체성, 의사결정의 구속력, 인력의 적절성, 협력의 쌍방향성에서는 거버넌스 수준이 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 수도권교통조합의 거버넌스 구축을 위한 정책적 함의로는 조합의 구체적인 역할 파악을 통한 목표일치성, 조합장의 리더십 강화, 조합파견 공무원의 전문성 향상 및 동기부여 강화 등이 제시된다. [주제어: 지방정부간 관계, 거버넌스, 수도권교통조합]

Governance on the Inter-local governmental Relations: Focusing on the Metropolitan Transportation Association Seung-Jun Han This study analyses the governance level of the inter-local governmental relations in Korea. For the analysis, the Metropolitan Transportation Association was examined. This research is based on existing relevant studies of governance, interview and survey. For this purpose, the Metropolitan Transportation Association is analyzed by the criteria of the institutional and behavioral factors. The research finding implies that MTA's governance level is high in some factors (resources, levels of involvement, interaction); however, the governance level is not high in other factors (power differential, rule evidence, decision-making power). This study suggests that it is important to enhance the leadership of the president, the level of involvement and professionalism of the MTA. Key words: Inter-local governmental Relations, Governance, Metropolitan Transportation Association

Governance on the Inter-local governmental Relations: Focusing on the Metropolitan Transportation Association Seung-Jun Han This study analyses the governance level of the inter-local governmental relations in Korea. For the analysis, the Metropolitan Transportation Association was examined. This research is based on existing relevant studies of governance, interview and survey. For this purpose, the Metropolitan Transportation Association is analyzed by the criteria of the institutional and behavioral factors. The research finding implies that MTA's governance level is high in some factors (resources, levels of involvement, interaction); however, the governance level is not high in other factors (power differential, rule evidence, decision-making power). This study suggests that it is important to enhance the leadership of the president, the level of involvement and professionalism of the MTA. Key words: Inter-local governmental Relations, Governance, Metropolitan Transportation Association