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본 연구에서는 기업이 보편적으로 활용하고 있는 공명광고의 효과를 검증하고자 하였다. 그 결과, 소비자가 비공명광고보다 공명광고에 대하여 더 호의적인 광고태도를 형성함을 밝혔다. 또한 소비자의 개인적 특성 변수인 종결욕구와 자기해석을 제안하여, 이 두 가지 변수가 공명광고의 효과에 조절작용을 함을 확인하였다. 구체적으로, 종결욕구가 낮은 소비자는 비공명광고보다 공명광고에 대하여 더 호의적인 광고태도를 보였으며, 종결욕구가 높은 소비자는 공명광고와 비공명광고 간에 유의한 광고태도 차이를 보이지 않았다. 또한 자기해석의 경우, 상호의존적 자기해석 소비자는 비공명광고보다 공명광고에 대하여 더 호의적인 광고태도를 보였으며, 독립적 자기해석 소비자는 두 광고 간에 유의한 광고태도 차이를 보이지 않았다. 본 연구는 소비자 본연의 특성 변수가 공명광고에 대한 태도에 차별적 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 것을 보임으로써 공명광고와 관련된 연구의 범위를 확장시켰다. 또한 마케팅 실무자에게 공명광고가 어떤 소비자층에게 집행되어야 더욱 효과적일 수 있을 것인가에 대한 실무적 시사점을 제공하였다는데 연구의 의의가 있다.

Marketing practitioners use diverse family of literary devices termed rhetorical figures. The best-known rhetorical figure is metaphor, that has been previously examined by consumer researchers. Resonance is one of the rhetorical figures that has not been sufficiently researched in marketing area. In addition, little attention has been directed to verify the impact of resonance within the ads on consumers' attitude towards the ads. Therefore, this research examines the impact of resonant ads on consumers' attitude towards the ads. Resonant ads are defined as a play or twist within ads' structure which contributes to make an echo or multiplication of meaning. Resonant ads are classified as verbal resonant ads, visual resonant ads, and visual-verbal resonant ads. This research focuses on visual-verbal resonant ads that have been frequently adopted by marketing practitioners. Visual-verbal resonant ads have two characteristics. First, there is the presence of wordplay in the headline in the ads. Second, there is an accompanying pictorial illustration, that reinforces the meaning of the wordplay. The illustration in conjunction with the headline within the ads makes consumers interpret two or more meanings the ads imply, that justifies the use of the term resonance instead of pure pun or wordplay. In fact, wordplay has been used in ads many years, and some critics argue that wordplay is too indirect to be detrimental to persuasion. These researchers have insisted that using ambiguous words in ads are not efficient way to make ads persuasive and counseled not to use ambiguous words or puns in the ads. However, the current research verifies that indirect approach is more persuasive than direct approach relating to ads. Specifically, the authors examine the effects of resonance on the attitude of ads on the basis of semiotic and aesthetic perspectives. The authors argue that there is greater liking for resonant ads relative to the same ads with resonance removed. Also, current research argues that it is important to verify the moderating role of individual characteristics in that interpretation of the message depends on individuals' idiosyncrasy. Specifically, the authors verify the impact of individual characteristics such as need for closure and self-construal on consumers' attitude towards the ads. The authors propose three hypotheses based on existing literature. Hypothesis 1 predicts that there is greater liking for resonant ads rather than non-resonant ads. Hypothesis 2 predicts that the impact of resonance in the ads is moderated by consumers' need for closure. Specifically, hypothesis 2-1 predicts that consumers with low need for closure show greater liking for resonant ads rather than non-resonant ads; while hypothesis 2-2 predicts that consumers with high need for closure show the same liking for resonant ads as non-resonant ads. Also, hypothesis 3 predicts that the impact of resonance in the ads is moderated by consumers' self-construal. Specifically, hypothesis 3-1 predicts that consumers with interdependent self-construal show greater liking for resonant ads rather than non-resonant ads; while hypothesis 3-2 predicts that consumers with independent self- construal show the same liking for resonant ads as non-resonant ads. Using an empirical study, the authors verified the effectiveness of resonance to create positive attitude towards the ads and the impact of resonant ads is moderated by consumers' need for closure and self-construal. The current research makes an important contribution on advertising literature. The authors expand the scope of the advertising literature by verifying the impact of indirect approach to persuasion. Specifically, the current research examines resonance within the ads is more persuasive than direct approach to persuasion. In addition, the authors reveal that message interpretation is influenced by individual characteristics such as need for closure and self-construal. The findings of this research offer marketing practitioners managerial implications. First, adopting resonance within the ads might be an effective advertising strategy to attract consumers. Second, marketing practitioners might make a profit more efficiently by focusing on appropriate consumer segments, such as consumers with interdependent self-construal and consumers with low need for closure.