초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Three years ago the western Law School system was introduced in Korea and the first bar examination is scheduled to take place in January 2012. The result of education always should be evaluated, because it is essential to improve the legal education system od Korea. However, we can not ignore the reality that the legal education depends on the bar examination. The bar examination profoundly impacts the contents and methods of legal education in the law school. Therefore, the contents and methods of the bar examination is very important to the education at the law school. In this article, the writer analyzes the contents and methods of mock tests that took place three times during 2010-2011 and discusses the method to solve the problems which were found in the mock tests. The writer suggests that some part of commercial law such as maritime law and insurance law should be separated from the subject of commercial law and urges that these parts should be tested additionally as selective test subjects.