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본 연구는 청소년 학교폭력 경험의 특성을 유형별로 분석하고 학교폭력 경험 특성에 미치는 영향요인을 도출하여 청소년 학교폭력에 대한 효과적인 사회복지실천 개입방안 모색의 기초자료를 제공하고자 하는데 목적이 있으며, 이를 위해 중학생 741명을 대상으로 조사한 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 중학생의 76.9%가 학교폭력을 경험한 것으로 조사되었으며, 이중에 가해경험만 있는 집단은 5.8%, 피해경험만 있는 집단은 18.4%, 중복경험은 52.7%로 나타났다. 이러한 결과로 볼 때 학교폭력을 경험한 청소년의 68.6%가 학교폭력의 가해와 피해를 모두 경험한 중복경험자로 나타나 청소년 학교폭력의 심각성을 보여준다. 아울러 학교폭력의 가해경험과 피해경험과는 정적인 상관성을 나타냈으며, 중복경험의 경우 학교폭력의 경험정도가 가장 심각했다. 학교폭력 피해에 미치는 요인은 학교부적응과 자신의 비행경험이, 학교폭력 가해에는 자신의 비행경험과 충동성, 자긍심이, 학교폭력 중복경험에는 또래비행과 자신의 비행경험 및 학교부적응과 학교환경으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과로 볼 때, 학교폭력에는 학교요인과 개인요인이 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 학교폭력 문제에 대한 개입 시에는 학교폭력 경험에 대한 정확한 실태분석 후 학교폭력 경험의 특성별로 구분해 개인요인 중재를 위한 개별적인 직접실천과 학교요인에 대한 환경적인 중재가 동시에 필요한 것으로 판단된다.

The prepose of this study is to establish fundamental data for intervention idea for social work practice of preventing school violence For that the study conducted with analysis of effect-factors to influence school violence experience, typology with character school violence. 741 number of middle school student has collected in order to analyse result. 76.9% of middle school students has reported school violence experience. Among them, group of only offender experience was 5.8%, group of only victim was 18.4% and dual experience of both group was 52.7%. According to this result, experience of school violence 68.6% has indicated the seriousness of dual-experienced of violence offender and victim all. Also the relationship between offender and victim experience positive correlation and dual-experienced has the most serious of violence level degree. The factor to be influenced victim of school violence were school maladaptive, delinquency and factor of offender from school violence were delinquency, impulse, self-esteem. And factor from dual-experienced of violence offender and victim were individual and peer delinquency, school maladaptive and school circumstance. As a result, in the beginning of school violence intervention stage assessing the actual conditions of school violence first. And then, it approach individual itself for practice. And also practice with individual approach, approach of school factor is need to control environmental intervention.

The prepose of this study is to establish fundamental data for intervention idea for social work practice of preventing school violence For that the study conducted with analysis of effect-factors to influence school violence experience, typology with character school violence. 741 number of middle school student has collected in order to analyse result. 76.9% of middle school students has reported school violence experience. Among them, group of only offender experience was 5.8%, group of only victim was 18.4% and dual experience of both group was 52.7%. According to this result, experience of school violence 68.6% has indicated the seriousness of dual-experienced of violence offender and victim all. Also the relationship between offender and victim experience positive correlation and dual-experienced has the most serious of violence level degree. The factor to be influenced victim of school violence were school maladaptive, delinquency and factor of offender from school violence were delinquency, impulse, self-esteem. And factor from dual-experienced of violence offender and victim were individual and peer delinquency, school maladaptive and school circumstance. As a result, in the beginning of school violence intervention stage assessing the actual conditions of school violence first. And then, it approach individual itself for practice. And also practice with individual approach, approach of school factor is need to control environmental intervention.