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본 연구는 청소년의 라이프스타일(life style)의 구성요인을 규명하고, 건강적 측면에서 건강상태의 잠재적인 요인과 어떠한 관계가 있는지 분석하기 위하여 청소년 개인이 인식하는 건강상태 유형별 관계를 조사·분석하였다. 청소년 라이프스타일의 요인분석 결과 성공추구형, 욕망추구형, 과시추구형, 미래추구형, 건강추구형 순으로 규명되었다. 건강상태에서 종합점수는 집단간 통계적으로 유의한 차가 있었고, 매우건강하다고 생각하는 청소년은 건강추구형, 욕망추구형, 성공추구형이 높게 나타난 반면, 건강하지 못하다고 생각하는 청소년은 건강추구형, 욕망추구형, 성공추구형, 과시추구형, 미래추구형 모두 가장 낮게 나타났다. 결론적으로 자신이 건강하다고 생각하는 청소년은 욕망과 성공에 대한 의욕을 가지고 있는 반면, 스스로 건강하지 못하다고 생각하는 청소년은 전반적으로 건강, 욕망, 성공, 과시, 미래에 대한 의지가 낮게 나타났다. 그러므로 청소년들에게 체계적인 건강교육을 통해 일상적인 삶 속에서 건강관리가 이루어진다면 건전하고 미래지향적인 라이프스타일로 변화될 수 있다는 것이다.

The study has researched and analyzed relations of a sort of health condition which each youth can recognize in order to find out components of youth's lifestyle and analyze potential factors of health condition in terms of health. As a result of the analysis of youth's lifestyle factors, it was identified as a type of Success Seeker, Desire Seeker, Ostentation Seeker, Future Seeker, and Health Seeker. In health condition, total points were statistically similar difference among groups and while Health Seeker, Desire Seeker, Success Seeker were found out highly for youth who believes one's own good condition, Health Seeker, Desire Seeker, Success Seeker, Ostentation Seeker, Future Seeker were found out lowest for youth who believes one's own bad condition. In conclusion, it was revealed that youth who believes one's own good condition had much enthusiasm for own desire and success but youth who believes one's own bad condition ,on the other hand, had much enthusiasm for health, desire, ostentation, future over all. Therefore, if youth's healthcare is conducted through systematic health training program, youth's lifestyle can be changed healthy, future-oriented lifestyle.

The study has researched and analyzed relations of a sort of health condition which each youth can recognize in order to find out components of youth's lifestyle and analyze potential factors of health condition in terms of health. As a result of the analysis of youth's lifestyle factors, it was identified as a type of Success Seeker, Desire Seeker, Ostentation Seeker, Future Seeker, and Health Seeker. In health condition, total points were statistically similar difference among groups and while Health Seeker, Desire Seeker, Success Seeker were found out highly for youth who believes one's own good condition, Health Seeker, Desire Seeker, Success Seeker, Ostentation Seeker, Future Seeker were found out lowest for youth who believes one's own bad condition. In conclusion, it was revealed that youth who believes one's own good condition had much enthusiasm for own desire and success but youth who believes one's own bad condition ,on the other hand, had much enthusiasm for health, desire, ostentation, future over all. Therefore, if youth's healthcare is conducted through systematic health training program, youth's lifestyle can be changed healthy, future-oriented lifestyle.