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본 연구는 대학생의 생의 의미를 Q방법론을 통해 파악하고자 한 연구이다. 먼저 문헌연구와 대학생들과의 면담을 통해 대학생의 생의 의미를 나타낸다고 생각되는 총 110 문항을 추출한 후 수차례 논의를 거쳐 최종 23개의 Q진술문을 채택하였었다. 이 진술문은 카드로 만들어 연구대상자로 하여금 7점 척도의 Q분포도상에 강제 배분하도록 한 후 생의 의미에 대한 개인별 심층면접을 실시하였다. 연구대상들의 카드 배분 결과는 PCQ 프로그램을 이용하여 통계 처리하였다. 연구대상은 현재 대학에 재학 중인 남녀 학생 35명이었다(남 16명, 여 19명)이었다. 연구결과 대상자들의 생의 의미인식은 5가지 유형으로 분류되었다. 이러한 연구결과는 대상자들이 동의하거나 동의하지 않은 진술, 그들의 일반적 특성 및 심층면접 결과와 본 연구의 개념적 틀을 구성하는 4가지 요소(자신과 삶에 대한 인식 및 수용, 창조적 가치실현, 경험적 가치실현, 과거와 현재 삶에 대한 만족)와 관련지어 해석하고 논의하였다. 제 1유형은 외현적 행복추구 형, 제 2유형은 자아독립추구 형, 제 3유형은 내면적 신념추구 형, 제 4유형은 성공추구 형, 제 5유형은 사회적 가치추구 형으로 명명되었다. 이상과 같이 분류된 유형에 따라 그들의 생의 의미를 높일 수 있도록 돕는 상담전략이 논의되었다.

The purpose of this study was to investigates and understands types of meaning in life of college students by the Q-methodological approach. Through the literature review and interview with 20 college students, 110 items were collected. After discussion among reseachers, 23 statements concerning meaning in life were selected. 35 college students were chosen. The subjects sorted 23 statements using the principle of Forced Nomal Distribution. The data were analysed by PCQ program. As a results, five types(1st : happiness persuit type, 2nd : independant self seeking type, 3rd : inner belief persuit type, 4th : social success seeking type, 5th : social value persuit type) came out. The 'happiness persuit type,' persue meaning in life by experiential value realization through perfect family relationship. The 'independant self seeking type,' search meaning in life by creative value realization through their work and their independant life. The 'inner belief persuit type' persue meaning in life by experiential value realization through faith of God. The 'social success seeking type' wish for meaning in life by creative value realization through their social sucess. The 'social value persuit type' persue meaning in life by creative and experiential value realization through other's recognition and desirable family relationship.

The purpose of this study was to investigates and understands types of meaning in life of college students by the Q-methodological approach. Through the literature review and interview with 20 college students, 110 items were collected. After discussion among reseachers, 23 statements concerning meaning in life were selected. 35 college students were chosen. The subjects sorted 23 statements using the principle of Forced Nomal Distribution. The data were analysed by PCQ program. As a results, five types(1st : happiness persuit type, 2nd : independant self seeking type, 3rd : inner belief persuit type, 4th : social success seeking type, 5th : social value persuit type) came out. The 'happiness persuit type,' persue meaning in life by experiential value realization through perfect family relationship. The 'independant self seeking type,' search meaning in life by creative value realization through their work and their independant life. The 'inner belief persuit type' persue meaning in life by experiential value realization through faith of God. The 'social success seeking type' wish for meaning in life by creative value realization through their social sucess. The 'social value persuit type' persue meaning in life by creative and experiential value realization through other's recognition and desirable family relationship.