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본 연구는 그 동안의 아동·청소년정책의 성과와 반성을 고찰해보고 새 정부의 아동·청소년정책 방향과 과제를 제시하고자 한다. 먼저 본 연구를 통해 나타난 아동·청소년정책 방향을 요약하면 첫째, 아동정책과 청소년정책의 연계를 위한 법과 제도를 조속히 정비하여야 한다. 둘째, 아동·청소년이 학업역량뿐만 아니라 생활역량·직업역량 등 총합적인 역량을 계발하여야 한다. 셋째, 취약계층과 위기 청소년 등 아동·청소년의 특성에 맞는 맞춤형 서비스가 제공 되어야 한다. 넷째, 아동·청소년에게 유해한 환경을 정비하고, 이들이 건강하게 성장할 수 있는 사회 환경을 조성하여야 한다. 다섯째, 아동·청소년 관련기관·단체가 청소년정책의 비전과 목표를 함께 공유하고 수평적인 파트너십을 구축하여 유기적인 협력이 이루어져야 한다. 다음으로 아동·청소년정책 과제를 요약하면 첫째, 다양한 아동·청소년 체험활동 기회를 확대하고 프로그램의 질적 수준을 제고하며, 아동·청소년의 정책 및 사회참여를 활성화하고 권리와 책임의식을 함양하며, 청소년의 국제 감각과 글로벌역량을 강화하는 등 아동·청소년의 역량을 개발·증진시켜야 한다. 둘째, 요보호아동에 대한 사회안전망을 강화하고, 저소득층 및 취약계층 아동·청소년에 대한 지원을 확대하며, 위기청소년 지원을 위한 서비스기반을 강화하는 등 사회적지원이 필요한 아동·청소년에게 양질의 맞춤형 복지 서비스를 제공하여야 한다. 셋째, 지역사회 생활환경을 아동·청소년 친화적으로 조성하고, 매체의 역기능을 해소하고 매체활용능력을 강화하며, 아동·청소년이 성범죄로부터 안전한 환경을 조성하는 등 아동·청소년이 건강하게 성장할 수 있도록 아동·청소년 친화적 환경을 조성하여야 한다. 넷째, 아동·청소년관련 법령체계를 정비하고, 청소년시설·단체·지도자 등 미래를 대비한 아동·청소년 지원 인프라를 보강하여야 한다.

This research offers reflection on current accomplishments of child and youth policy and presents direction and task of new government in the child and youth policy arena. The proposal on the direction of child and youth policy can be summarized as follows : Firstly, revision of law and regulation is required for streamline delivery of child and youth policy. Secondly, in addition to academic competence of child and youth, a comprehensive capability development including life skill capacity and career competence should be emphasized. Thirdly, tailored services must be provided reflecting special needs of socially deprived and at-risk youth. Fourthly, harmful social environment should be rectified to offer environment which ensures healthy upbringing of youth. Finally, youth related organizations should share common vision and objective with enhanced horizontal network of partnerships. In addition, impending task of the child and youth policy includes following aspects. Firstly, various child and youth activities must be further expanded with improvement on program quality, placing special emphasis on social participation fostering rights and responsibilities, while reinforcing the notion of global leadership and empowerment of young people. Secondly, strengthening social safety infrastructures for at-risk youth, while enhancing supportive measures for youth from socially deprived and low-income family backgrounds should be observed to offer quality customized services. Thirdly, promotion of youth-friendly community environment, minimizing adverse impact of media while developing media utilizing skills and ensuring safe environment to protect young people from sexual crimes should be highlighted. Finally, systemic evaluation of child and youth related laws must take place with added importance on the enhancement of youth facilities, organizations, professionals to establish future-oriented supportive infrastructure for child and youth.

This research offers reflection on current accomplishments of child and youth policy and presents direction and task of new government in the child and youth policy arena. The proposal on the direction of child and youth policy can be summarized as follows : Firstly, revision of law and regulation is required for streamline delivery of child and youth policy. Secondly, in addition to academic competence of child and youth, a comprehensive capability development including life skill capacity and career competence should be emphasized. Thirdly, tailored services must be provided reflecting special needs of socially deprived and at-risk youth. Fourthly, harmful social environment should be rectified to offer environment which ensures healthy upbringing of youth. Finally, youth related organizations should share common vision and objective with enhanced horizontal network of partnerships. In addition, impending task of the child and youth policy includes following aspects. Firstly, various child and youth activities must be further expanded with improvement on program quality, placing special emphasis on social participation fostering rights and responsibilities, while reinforcing the notion of global leadership and empowerment of young people. Secondly, strengthening social safety infrastructures for at-risk youth, while enhancing supportive measures for youth from socially deprived and low-income family backgrounds should be observed to offer quality customized services. Thirdly, promotion of youth-friendly community environment, minimizing adverse impact of media while developing media utilizing skills and ensuring safe environment to protect young people from sexual crimes should be highlighted. Finally, systemic evaluation of child and youth related laws must take place with added importance on the enhancement of youth facilities, organizations, professionals to establish future-oriented supportive infrastructure for child and youth.