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본 연구에서는 우리사회가 100만 명이 넘는 다인종, 다문화 사회 속에서 다문화가정 청소년들의 문제점과 건전 육성 방안에 대하여 알아보는데 연구의 목적과 필요성이 있다고 하겠다. 특히, 다문화 가족에서 한 문화를 가진 사람이 다름 문화를 가진 사람의 문화에 흡수되는 것이 아니라 서로의 문화가 존중받고 어우러지는 동화주의를 기본으로 하되 다문화주의를 가미하는 올바른 정책의 방향이 요구된다. 다문화 가정의 증가원인은 첫째, 빈곤의 여성화로 인한 이주의 여성화 현상과 둘째, 빈곤타파와 삶의 개척을 향한 동기로서의 결혼을 통한 이주현상이 증가하였고 셋째, 한국의 사회학적 요인이 있다. 아울러 다문화가정의 청소년 문제점을 살펴보면 첫째, 문화의 차이에서 오는 문제와 둘째, 집단 따돌림으로 건강하지 못한 정서적 충격을 경험하며, 셋째, 가정폭력과 불화 등으로 이혼이 급증하고 넷째, 자녀 교육의 문제와 다섯째, 저소득가구가 다수이나, 기초생활보장 수급자는 소수라는 점과 여섯째, 다문화주의 전통이 없고, 순혈주의 중시 풍토로 여성결혼이민자에 대한 편견 및 차별이 존재한다는 점이다. 다문화가정 청소년의 대책은 첫째, 다양한 인종적 배경을 가진 청소년들의 문화성과 다양성과 상대성을 인정해야 하며 둘째, 다문화가정 청소년을 위한 적극적인 상담시설이 필요하고 셋째, 다문화가정 부모님을 위한 상담시설이 필요하며 넷째, 다문화가정 청소년들을 위한 한글교육이 필요성이 요구된다. 다문화 가정 청소년에 대한 건전 육성 방안은 1) 경제적 지원 2) 다문화 가족에 대한 고충 상담의 기관이나 상담활동 3) 법적제도 개선 4) 문화적인 차이를 인정 5) 이주국과의 교류를 확대 6) 다문화가정에 대한 교육적 지원7) 사회복지 관련법의 적용범위 확대 8) 한국어 교육 지원 9) 생활 문화체험 지원 10) 가족보존 프로그램 11) 결혼이민여성을 대상으로 하는 사회복지서비스 확충 12) 상담 및 치료서비스의 확대 13) 아동 및 청소년 교육지원 프로그램 14) 가족법의 세계화의 추세에 맞춤 15) 결혼이민자의 시민적 권리 보장 16) 결혼이민여성의 사회활동 및 취업능력 강화 17) 보건·의료서비스 정비 18) 청소년 지도자 대상 다문화교육 전문가 양성 프로그램이 실시 19) 청소년수련관 중심의 다문화교육 프로그램 개발 및 실시 20) 지역사회에서 다문화를 인정하고 참여하는 환경조성이 필요하다. 다문화가정의 청소년들은 하나의 가정 안에서 두 나라의 문화와 언어를 접하며 자라나게 된다. 이때 다문화가정 청소년들에게 보다 효과적이고 적절한 긍정적인 피드백을 제공 하게 된다면 그들은 훗날 글로벌 인재로서 자랄 수 있는 확률이 높다. 따라서 지금부터라도 가정, 학교, 지역사회의 적극적인 지원이 반드시 필요할 것이다.

This study aims to find out solution to plan of multi-cultural adolescent's healthy upbringing. Our community became multi-cultural society with ethnic diversity and over 1 million multi-cultural families live in this nation. Multi-cultural family based on cultural relativism which each culture is equally respected and not means that minor cultures are being assimilated to major one. Followings are factors that increase multi-cultural families. 1) There are increase of women who are emigrated to Korea because of poverty which was wide-spread in their country's women. 2) Marriage as ways to overcome poverty and settle new life increase emigration. 3) Korea's sociologic factor increase multi-cultural family. A Plan of multi-cultural adolescent's healthy upbringing 1) Financial funding should be provided with multi-cultural families. 2) Consultation office which can solve these families' difficulties is needed as social and cultural aid. 3) Laws and system should be improved. 4) We should acknowledge cultural diversity. 5) We should increase interchange with their mother country. 6) Educational support should be given to these multi-cultural families. 7) Laws that guarantee social welfare should be extended to multi-cultural family. 8) Korean education is needed to these families. 9) We should support that they can experience Korea's tradition. 10) Family maintenance program should be initiated. 11) Social welfare service should be given to women who are moving from another country because of marriage. 12) Consultation & therapy service should be expanded. 13) Programs that support multi-cultural children and juveniles are needed. 14) The family law should be changed by reflecting global trend. 15) Civil rights should be guaranteed to these people. 16) Women who are emigrated because of marriage should be supported their social activities and job finding. 17) We need to fix out health and medical service. 18) Programs for training multi-cultural education specialist should be operated. 19) Multi-cultural education program should be developed based on youth center. 20) We should make a background that admitting cultural diversity in local community. Multi-cultural adolescent experience two different culture in their own family. They have high possibilities of became talented man with global sense. When we provide them with effective, appropriate and positive feedback. Thus, family, school and local community should aid them from now on.

This study aims to find out solution to plan of multi-cultural adolescent's healthy upbringing. Our community became multi-cultural society with ethnic diversity and over 1 million multi-cultural families live in this nation. Multi-cultural family based on cultural relativism which each culture is equally respected and not means that minor cultures are being assimilated to major one. Followings are factors that increase multi-cultural families. 1) There are increase of women who are emigrated to Korea because of poverty which was wide-spread in their country's women. 2) Marriage as ways to overcome poverty and settle new life increase emigration. 3) Korea's sociologic factor increase multi-cultural family. A Plan of multi-cultural adolescent's healthy upbringing 1) Financial funding should be provided with multi-cultural families. 2) Consultation office which can solve these families' difficulties is needed as social and cultural aid. 3) Laws and system should be improved. 4) We should acknowledge cultural diversity. 5) We should increase interchange with their mother country. 6) Educational support should be given to these multi-cultural families. 7) Laws that guarantee social welfare should be extended to multi-cultural family. 8) Korean education is needed to these families. 9) We should support that they can experience Korea's tradition. 10) Family maintenance program should be initiated. 11) Social welfare service should be given to women who are moving from another country because of marriage. 12) Consultation & therapy service should be expanded. 13) Programs that support multi-cultural children and juveniles are needed. 14) The family law should be changed by reflecting global trend. 15) Civil rights should be guaranteed to these people. 16) Women who are emigrated because of marriage should be supported their social activities and job finding. 17) We need to fix out health and medical service. 18) Programs for training multi-cultural education specialist should be operated. 19) Multi-cultural education program should be developed based on youth center. 20) We should make a background that admitting cultural diversity in local community. Multi-cultural adolescent experience two different culture in their own family. They have high possibilities of became talented man with global sense. When we provide them with effective, appropriate and positive feedback. Thus, family, school and local community should aid them from now on.