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The concepts of advancement and progress in the civilization are the greatest myth in the modern society. The myth of civilization has colonized not only the daily areas but also the unconsciousness of individuals. This essay has highlighted the de-mythicization of civilization with the re-mythicization of nature as reactions to our civilization while focusing on poetry by Jung Hyun-jong, You Ha and Lee Mun-jae. Jung Hyun-jong explores the mystery and fascination of life in the anti-life reality of civilization. His exploration to the life is to ultimately reach the actual outcomes of life. The poet achieves it through the intuition of Zen from the Oriental contexts. The re-mythicization of nature in his poetry occurs from love to the life. It is a craving of utopia toward a desirable life other than the reality of civilization. Such a craving is nothing like an action to cover up or escape from the reality. It includes meanings of the restoration of natural life while refusing the order of civilization. The re-mythicization of nature described in his poetry ultimately directs what kind of world the human civilization should pursue in a symbolic manner. You Ha's poetry might be outcomes from the active responses to the civilized cities. He persistently criticizes the civilized landscape and anarchic desires. He tries to demythicize the corrupted civilization and fetishistic desires. In addition, he attempts to re-mythicize the nature at the point of confrontation to the civilization at the same time. The reproduction of aura experience in the nature is jointed together with criticisms against the corrupted fetishism. The reproduction of aura experience is intended to mean the resistance to the fetishistic desires and customs of civilization. His re-mythicization of nature and de-mythicization of civilization are to return to the world of utopia in maternity while negating the civilization full of irrationality and contradiction. Lee Mun-jae is a poet to show thoughts resistant and critic to the reality of civilization. He resists to the violent speed of post-modern civilization with the slowness. His poetry runs a principle of hope to recover the totality of life. Especially, his poetry might be thought to focus on resisting to the speed of civilization, recovering the life and criticizing the brutality of the civilized 'empire'. The recovery of identity with criticisms and reflections to the rationality in the corrupted civilization and empire is thought to be an alternative proposition for the post-modern civilization. Three poets try to identify the core characteristics of modern civilization as the 'fascist speed' and disconnection of organic relationships in the life. The resistance against the crisis of civilization as described above is the so-called re-mythicization of nature and de-mythicization of civilization. These are to recover the inner connectivity in the life.

The concepts of advancement and progress in the civilization are the greatest myth in the modern society. The myth of civilization has colonized not only the daily areas but also the unconsciousness of individuals. This essay has highlighted the de-mythicization of civilization with the re-mythicization of nature as reactions to our civilization while focusing on poetry by Jung Hyun-jong, You Ha and Lee Mun-jae. Jung Hyun-jong explores the mystery and fascination of life in the anti-life reality of civilization. His exploration to the life is to ultimately reach the actual outcomes of life. The poet achieves it through the intuition of Zen from the Oriental contexts. The re-mythicization of nature in his poetry occurs from love to the life. It is a craving of utopia toward a desirable life other than the reality of civilization. Such a craving is nothing like an action to cover up or escape from the reality. It includes meanings of the restoration of natural life while refusing the order of civilization. The re-mythicization of nature described in his poetry ultimately directs what kind of world the human civilization should pursue in a symbolic manner. You Ha's poetry might be outcomes from the active responses to the civilized cities. He persistently criticizes the civilized landscape and anarchic desires. He tries to demythicize the corrupted civilization and fetishistic desires. In addition, he attempts to re-mythicize the nature at the point of confrontation to the civilization at the same time. The reproduction of aura experience in the nature is jointed together with criticisms against the corrupted fetishism. The reproduction of aura experience is intended to mean the resistance to the fetishistic desires and customs of civilization. His re-mythicization of nature and de-mythicization of civilization are to return to the world of utopia in maternity while negating the civilization full of irrationality and contradiction. Lee Mun-jae is a poet to show thoughts resistant and critic to the reality of civilization. He resists to the violent speed of post-modern civilization with the slowness. His poetry runs a principle of hope to recover the totality of life. Especially, his poetry might be thought to focus on resisting to the speed of civilization, recovering the life and criticizing the brutality of the civilized 'empire'. The recovery of identity with criticisms and reflections to the rationality in the corrupted civilization and empire is thought to be an alternative proposition for the post-modern civilization. Three poets try to identify the core characteristics of modern civilization as the 'fascist speed' and disconnection of organic relationships in the life. The resistance against the crisis of civilization as described above is the so-called re-mythicization of nature and de-mythicization of civilization. These are to recover the inner connectivity in the life.