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전통적인 의미에서 예전 소설을 보던 사람과 근대 계몽기에 호명되는 ‘독자’라는 개념이 완전히 같다고 볼 수는 없을 것이다. 이것은 동시에 연속적인 독자의 개념이 존재하고 있다는 것을 의미한다. 기표는 같으나 기의는 전혀 다를 수도 있다. 또한 이러한 새로운 개념의 탄생은 근대의 유입과도 깊게 연관된다. 따라서 이러한 신문이라는 근대 매체 속에서 ‘독자’ 개념은 다변화된 형태로 나타나게 되었다. 신문을 통해서 독자들은 서로 소통하며 새로운 정체성을 형성하게 된 것이다. 신문은 문명과 동급화되어 신문을 읽는 자와 신문을 읽지 않는 자로 구분하면서 정체성을 형성하게 된 것이다.또 이러한 읽는 행위는 공적인 형태 속에서 집단적 정체성을 형성하게 되었다. 결국 근대계몽기 ‘독자’ 개념은 음지의 놀이도, 읽는다는 허구의 즐거움도, 혹은 새로운 상업적인 요소의 개입도 모두 확대·재생산하면서 동시에 신문매체라는 새로운 공간 속에 등장한 개념이다. 독자 역시 근대라는 공간의 작동 속에 존재하는 중층적인 개념인 것이다. 이 ‘독자’라는 개념은 연속적이면서, 또한 동시에 단절적인 개념으로서, 결국 ‘근대’ 그 자체처럼 “동시성의 비동시성”이라는 특징을 담지하고 있다.

The newspaper is the representative media in the modern age. The newspaper had changed the culture in Chosun dynasty. It had created new conceptions at the moment. Especially the concept of “a reader” had been done. There had been readers in the premodern age. However the concept of ‘a reader’ can not be called same with that of ‘a reader’ in modern age. The concept of ‘a reader’ in the age of modern enlightenment have had ‘the non-concurrence of concurrence’ as a modern feature. Although a signifier was same, a signified might be different from the concept of premodern age. A birth of new concept is related with the influx of Modernity from the Occident. This influx had been located in a sphere of the translation in a certain sense. The newspaper as a modern media, therefore, had made the realm of readers and had tried various methods that tempted readers to the media. One of the various temptations was <readers' column>. Another was <serial novels> in the newspaper. These contents in the newspaper had made the concept of ‘a reader’ very new and dynamic. At the same time, the concept of ‘a reader’ is multi characteristic.

The newspaper is the representative media in the modern age. The newspaper had changed the culture in Chosun dynasty. It had created new conceptions at the moment. Especially the concept of “a reader” had been done. There had been readers in the premodern age. However the concept of ‘a reader’ can not be called same with that of ‘a reader’ in modern age. The concept of ‘a reader’ in the age of modern enlightenment have had ‘the non-concurrence of concurrence’ as a modern feature. Although a signifier was same, a signified might be different from the concept of premodern age. A birth of new concept is related with the influx of Modernity from the Occident. This influx had been located in a sphere of the translation in a certain sense. The newspaper as a modern media, therefore, had made the realm of readers and had tried various methods that tempted readers to the media. One of the various temptations was <readers' column>. Another was <serial novels> in the newspaper. These contents in the newspaper had made the concept of ‘a reader’ very new and dynamic. At the same time, the concept of ‘a reader’ is multi characteristic.