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서예는 서체마다 필법이 다르고 결구(자모음의 배치) 및 장법(낱자의 배치)도 다르다. 각 서체마다 기능적 숙련을 요하므로 미술교과의 다른 영역과는 달리 서체에 대한 기능과 지식을 기반으로 반복적인 연습을 거치는 학습지도과정이 필요하다. 이 연구는 실기능력이 부족한 교사들을 위해 교실환경에 적용 가능한 학습 자료를 개발하여 교수법에 자신감을 주도록 할 뿐만 아니라 수업자료 준비의 번거로움도 줄일 수 있도록 하였다. 또한 학생들에게는 서예학습의 특성을 살린 자료 활용으로 차시별 학습목표에 효과적으로 도달할 수 있도록 하였다. 개발된 멀티미디어 자료를 초등학교 3, 4학년의 현장수업에 적용하였으며 그 결과를 검토하였다.

The subject ‘Art’ is comprised of many fields, one of which is calligraphy. It is considered important because it has traditional value and helps pupils expand their emotional and aesthetic capacity. Thus, it now takes the largest part of the art subject. But it is one of the least favorite areas because they lack teaching skills and materials. Studying and teaching materials suitable for the level of the pupils are needed and development of multimedia materials which suits the typical environment of Korean primary schools is also needed. Thus this study is to develop and apply the teaching materials as requested and required by the current primary school teachers and to summarize the actual result. The developed material was produced in CD and thus is duplicable and usable in any classroom. The calligraphy education that will be addressed in the main passage is included in mother language course in China and Japan while it is a part of art education in Korea although Korea belongs to the same oriental cultural area. This implies a cultural difference between Korean and the other two Asian countries, China and Japan, in that China and Japan focuses on the functional aspect of calligraphy such as reading and writing while Korea highlights cultivating emotional sentiment. The actual case study that will be addressed in the main text is regarding development of multimedia learning materials, which will be applicable to the advanced class environment by complementing practical capability of teachers and reducing the hassle of preparing class materials. The education of calligraphy is aimed to establish a good personality and to nurture a harmonized spiritual life for students. In the face of the reality of today’s society characterized by widespread individualism and standardization partly due to computers and materialism, the education of calligraphy could be one of the most effective ways to promote patience, spirituality and creativity among students.

The subject ‘Art’ is comprised of many fields, one of which is calligraphy. It is considered important because it has traditional value and helps pupils expand their emotional and aesthetic capacity. Thus, it now takes the largest part of the art subject. But it is one of the least favorite areas because they lack teaching skills and materials. Studying and teaching materials suitable for the level of the pupils are needed and development of multimedia materials which suits the typical environment of Korean primary schools is also needed. Thus this study is to develop and apply the teaching materials as requested and required by the current primary school teachers and to summarize the actual result. The developed material was produced in CD and thus is duplicable and usable in any classroom. The calligraphy education that will be addressed in the main passage is included in mother language course in China and Japan while it is a part of art education in Korea although Korea belongs to the same oriental cultural area. This implies a cultural difference between Korean and the other two Asian countries, China and Japan, in that China and Japan focuses on the functional aspect of calligraphy such as reading and writing while Korea highlights cultivating emotional sentiment. The actual case study that will be addressed in the main text is regarding development of multimedia learning materials, which will be applicable to the advanced class environment by complementing practical capability of teachers and reducing the hassle of preparing class materials. The education of calligraphy is aimed to establish a good personality and to nurture a harmonized spiritual life for students. In the face of the reality of today’s society characterized by widespread individualism and standardization partly due to computers and materialism, the education of calligraphy could be one of the most effective ways to promote patience, spirituality and creativity among students.