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정보통신을 포함한 범용기술 변화가 급격한 사회에서는 고용된 근로자들에게 새로운 기술과 능력을 갖추어 주고 노동시장의 요구에 신축적이고 신속하게 반응할 수 있는 지속적인 직업교육훈련이 실시되어야 할 필요가 있다. 그러나 정보통신산업의 빠른 성장과 전략적 중요성에도 불구하고 국내 정보통신 산업과 관련된 직업교육훈련에 대한 현황 파악, 인력수요 예측 및 경제적 기여도 분석이 미흡한 수준이다. 본 논문은 이러한 변화 속에서 지속적인 경제 성장을 달성하고 동시에 국가경쟁력에 큰 기여를 하고 있는 정보통신산업의 경제적 기여도, 노동시장 현황 및 인력수요에 대한 전망을 분석하였다. 국가경쟁력의 핵심인 기업 경쟁력 강화와 직결되는 노동시장에서 직업교육훈련 현황을 파악하였다 또한 직업교육훈련의 효과를 측정할 수 있는 경제적 이론 모형을 제시하고 직업교육훈련이 기업의 생산성에 미치는 효과를 최근 사례연구의 결과를 분석하여 시사점을 도출하였다.

This paper examines the relationship between vocational education/training and productivity in information technology(IT) industry. The IT revolution will increasingly affect the efficiency and functioning of all economic and social human resources development. This paper focuses on the government’s and enterprise's training program for employees in terms of IT. Vocational education and training provide individuals with better career options, opportunities for promotion, and the ability to contribute to the Korea innovation enterprise and government. According to the researches, IT industry of the whole industries fastest growing job categories requires some type of vocational education and training. Researches show that productivity increases and unemployment decreases with educational/training achievement and skills attainment. This paper concludes with a discussion on the current situation of productivity in improving the IT industry by vocational education and training.

This paper examines the relationship between vocational education/training and productivity in information technology(IT) industry. The IT revolution will increasingly affect the efficiency and functioning of all economic and social human resources development. This paper focuses on the government’s and enterprise's training program for employees in terms of IT. Vocational education and training provide individuals with better career options, opportunities for promotion, and the ability to contribute to the Korea innovation enterprise and government. According to the researches, IT industry of the whole industries fastest growing job categories requires some type of vocational education and training. Researches show that productivity increases and unemployment decreases with educational/training achievement and skills attainment. This paper concludes with a discussion on the current situation of productivity in improving the IT industry by vocational education and training.