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Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of regenerative tissue matrix (Alloderm) as an oral layer for difficult anterior palatal fistula closure. Materials and Methods: The authors have tested the feasibility of a novel surgical technique of adding a regenerative tissue matrix (Alloderm) as an oral layer for closure of recalcitrant large anterior palatal fistulae and report the outcome of the first 12 patients in this pilot study. Patients with recur-rent large fistula who otherwise would require either a local pedicled flap, free flap, or an obturator were treated with this technique and followed up for at least 6 months to monitor the progress of healing.Results: Of the 12 patients, 8 patients (66.7%) had complete closure of the fistula, and 2 patients (16.7%) showed reduction in size of the fistula to the extent that symptoms were eliminated, for an overall success rate of 83.3% (10/12 patients). Premature graft loss and recurrence of the fistula were noted in 2 patients (16.7%).Conclusion: Alloderm provided an adequate barrier allowing healing to occur unimpeded and allowed closure of the palatal fistula. In our experience, this new technique using regenerative tissue matrix as an adjunct to the oral layer in large anterior palatal fistula has an advantage compared to other more invasive complex procedures and has been shown to provide satisfactory results.