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본 연구는 현대 자본주의 국가들에서 확인되는 제도적 보완성을 노동자들의 숙련(skills)을 중심으로 고찰하고자 한다. 기술 패러다임에 조응하는 숙련의 성격이 혁신의 성격을 결정하고 이러한 혁신이 산업경쟁력과 성장을 추동한다. 이 과정에서 숙련은 서로 영향을 주고받는 다양한 제도들과의 보완성(institutional complementarity)속에서 그 성격이 결정된다고 볼 수 있다. 숙련의 성격과 내용을 결정짓는 요소로 기술 패러다임과 제도적 보완성들 가령, 기업조직, 금융시스템, 노사관계, 노동시장, 교육*훈련시스템 등을 들 수 있는데 본 연구에서는 이들 각각에 대해 고찰한 후 숙련의 성격에 대응하는 제도적 보완성을 두 가지로 유형화한다. 일반적 숙련과 보완적인 제도들(보완성 I)은 자유시장경제(Liberal Market Economy)모델과 친화적이며 특수적 숙련에 대해 보완성을 가지는 제도들(보완성 II)은 조정시장경제(Coordinated Market Economy)모델과 가깝다는 것이 외국의 사례를 통해 확인된다. 본 연구는 이러한 두 가지 보완성들이 한국자본주의에서는 어떻게 적용가능한가를 검토하고 이러한 제도적 보완성에 기반한 이원적 숙련형성 시스템으로의 재편이 향후 한국자본주의의 지속적 경쟁우위 획득과정에 어떠한 함의를 줄 것인지에 대해서도 고찰한다.

This study stresses that worker's skill formation is essential for the success of knowledge economy. In a tendency to knowledge economy, global market competition, and IT technological change, modern capitalism sustains 'varieties'. These varieties resulting different economic performance are derived from the different institutions. And, various institutions such as education, training system, labor-related institutions and financial system are complement to each other. In this paper, we give attention to worker's skills as critical linkage for the 'institutional complementarity'. After review of technology and several institutions determining the character and content of skills, we try to type institutional complementarities corresponding to skills. General skills and its institutional complementarity harmonize with 'Liberal Market Economy(LME)', whereas specific skills and its institutional complementarity harmonize to 'Coordinated Market Economy(CME)'. Also, this study claims that Korean economy has to take dual strategy in skill formation for acquiring global competitiveness. The dual or hybrid strategy in skill formation means that general skills could be promoted by the new IT industry and professional occupations and specific skills are connected with traditional manufacturing industry. In sum, general skill equilibrium and specific skill equilibrium can achieve simultaneously in a country.

This study stresses that worker's skill formation is essential for the success of knowledge economy. In a tendency to knowledge economy, global market competition, and IT technological change, modern capitalism sustains 'varieties'. These varieties resulting different economic performance are derived from the different institutions. And, various institutions such as education, training system, labor-related institutions and financial system are complement to each other. In this paper, we give attention to worker's skills as critical linkage for the 'institutional complementarity'. After review of technology and several institutions determining the character and content of skills, we try to type institutional complementarities corresponding to skills. General skills and its institutional complementarity harmonize with 'Liberal Market Economy(LME)', whereas specific skills and its institutional complementarity harmonize to 'Coordinated Market Economy(CME)'. Also, this study claims that Korean economy has to take dual strategy in skill formation for acquiring global competitiveness. The dual or hybrid strategy in skill formation means that general skills could be promoted by the new IT industry and professional occupations and specific skills are connected with traditional manufacturing industry. In sum, general skill equilibrium and specific skill equilibrium can achieve simultaneously in a country.