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This study analyzes the impacts visitor awareness of the importance of convention center’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities has on corporate reputation, brand attitude and behavioral intention. It also explores practical implications for convention centers as to how they can utilize CSR activities as a strategic marketing tool. It was found that among various elements of corporate social responsibility associated with convention centers, the sense of responsibility for local community and culture have the most positive impacts on corporate reputation, brand attitude and behavioral intention, while the sense of responsibility concerning local economy and consumer rights do not have significant influence on those variables. The findings of this study lead to two conclusions. First, in order to build positive corporate reputation, brand attitude and behavioral intention among visitors, convention centers should make social investment for culture, arts and sports programs of the local community rather than focusing on their economic responsibility, as in for their own growth, or their responsibility to protect consumer rights. Second, the significance of this study lies in the fact that it is one of initial research on CSR activities of convention centers. However, as some of its findings contradicted previous research on the same subject, follow-up research is required to determine what caused such variance. Lastly, this research on strategic CSR activities will offer valuable insights for convention centers looking to develop a marketing tool that ensures mutual development with the local community.