초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this study was to empirically analyze the effects of work-family conflicts(WFC) on the work satisfaction of Korean hotel employees and the control effects of superior and colleague support on the relationship between WFC and work satisfaction. This study was initiated by the assumption that changes in family type according to changes in the social environment, and corresponding changes in the attitude and value of organizational members would substantially influence not only the quality of service in the tourist accommodation industry, but also the industry's overall management environment. In addition, this study intended to come up with measures that can induce the psychological satisfaction and immersion of Korean hotel employees in relation to their individual duties, and can increase the effectiveness of organizations such as improved organizational services, productivity, morale of employees, and reduced absences and turnover. In doing so, this study ultimately aimed to help the tourist accommodation industry to improve the quality of service and the management environment.