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At the Beijing Women's World Conference in 1995, reaching the agreement that the state of driving forward should be evaluated, the importance of policy analysis on gender-perspective has been emerging as an issue. This is an approach of 'Gender and Development(GAD)' and led to a chance of the solution of the women problem by mainstreaming women. Gender-mainstream means that gender-perspective is unified to all processes to reach gender-equality, and gender budget analysis applies this gender- perspective to the analysis of government revenue and expenditure. It is basically supposed that the public policy has an influence on men and women differently. Therefore, a gender budget analysis not only examines the budget allocated for women but also makes all budget the subject of analysis. A gender budget analysis can be carried into effect in various governments. In this paper, the gender budget analysis on Cheong-ju city is attempted.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Gender-budget, Gender analysis, Gender-mainstream