초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper aimed to provide an optimality theoretic explanation for the 'Sai-Sori' phenomena in Korean. After investigating data, We argued that Sai-Sori is a compound marker and is not related to particular meaning. And we explained in terms of constraints and constraint hierarchy that the appearance of the Sai-Sori is not permitted in co-compound class and non-genitive adnominal compound class because of their character of 'easy interpretation'. We also proposed that all of the phonological processes about 'Sai-Sori' can be dealt with in terms of the common morphological constraints which are interacted with the phonological constraints. Next, We focused to the exceptional overapplication of 'Sai-Sori' phenomena. We considered that the motivation of overapplication is the analogy between paradigm and paradigm. So, we proposed the new constraints, interparadigmatic correspondence constraints and could catch the type frequency effect and token frequency effect in the exceptional application of 'Sai-Sori' phenomena.

This paper aimed to provide an optimality theoretic explanation for the 'Sai-Sori' phenomena in Korean. After investigating data, We argued that Sai-Sori is a compound marker and is not related to particular meaning. And we explained in terms of constraints and constraint hierarchy that the appearance of the Sai-Sori is not permitted in co-compound class and non-genitive adnominal compound class because of their character of 'easy interpretation'. We also proposed that all of the phonological processes about 'Sai-Sori' can be dealt with in terms of the common morphological constraints which are interacted with the phonological constraints. Next, We focused to the exceptional overapplication of 'Sai-Sori' phenomena. We considered that the motivation of overapplication is the analogy between paradigm and paradigm. So, we proposed the new constraints, interparadigmatic correspondence constraints and could catch the type frequency effect and token frequency effect in the exceptional application of 'Sai-Sori' phenomena.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Sai-sori, compound, constraint hierarchy, easy interpretaion, tensification, nasalisation, analogy, interparadigmatic correspondence constraints.