초록 열기/닫기 버튼

In this paper, the Korean phrases expressing the increase of the number or amount by multiple times are named as 'multiplicational expressions', which are easily observed in the usual language usages along with television and newspapers. What matters is that these multiplicational expressions are misused widely and cause perplexity for the accurate measurement. I tried to reveal some aspects of the disorder in the usage on the basis of 36 million word sized corpus of Sejong Project. When the multiple noun '배‘(time, multiple), preceded by a certain number modifier, is combined with the subject case-marker '-가’ and concatenated with increment predicates such as '많다‘(be more), '늘어나다’(increase) or ‘증가하다’(increase) to constructs a multiplicational expression, the resulting number or amount in the phrases is proved to have extraordinary interpretation. And the same is true of the multiplicational expressions with the multiple nouns of null-marked case, lacking in case-marker '-가‘. In effect, the meaning of the multiplicational expression represented by the case marker '-가’ is the same as the one by '-로' which is an adverbial case marker for 'into'. This sort of disagreement between case-marking and meaning is not found in the other phrases.