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This study is on the experimental explanation of Intonation of news sentences with focus on the Korean noun phrase, pronounced by news announcers. For this, with a basic form as (Noun + case particle) + (Noun + adnominal ending) + Noun which is a common structure in these sentences, we classified NPs according to the added constituents and examined their intonation. And with examining the connection or the breaking of intonation patterns, we described the relation between neighbouring words which build "a rhythmic unit". in this paper, hereafter it will be called "maltomak" proposed by Hyun Bok Lee(1964). An experiment is to measure the FO of the syllables within the NP and to consider semantic and syntactic relations between neighbouring words, we imposed boundary where we perceived the breaking of the intonation. The results of this experiment are as follows ; 1. When the number of syllables is small and the speech rate is fast, generally a NP has one maltomak. And, when the neighbouring words are related either semantically or syntactically, they all belong to one maltomak. Therefore, the difference of words combination brought the change of intonation within NP. And a boundary occurred before a word which is focalized. 2. After the conjunctive particles and connective clause ending, the breaking of intonation is often observed. In case of an adverbial word, if an adverbial word precedes the NP or modifies a whole NP, it makes an independent maltomak, but when it modifies the neighbouring word only, it makes a maltomak together with that word.