초록 열기/닫기 버튼

From around 2005 till today there has been an increasing interest among people in the internet space. Indications of such a phenomenon is the trend of using [X-남], [X-녀] type words. These words newly categorizes and gives value to people and shows close relation with social phenomenon. In regard to word formation, [X-남] and [X-녀] have high productivity. First of all, [X-남], [X-녀] can easily be made into words that correspond to gender. Also quite many are made through inference. [X-남], [X-녀] type words sometimes form a paradigmatic relation in a semantic way. [X-남], [X-녀] type words can be classified as ‘ability’, ‘appearance’, ‘behavior’ and ‘attitude’ according to the meaning, and again as positive and negative social value. The number of [X-녀] is greater compared to that of [X-남], and cases of [X-녀] particularly show strong characteristics of female discrimination. The trend of [X-남] and [X-녀] are largely influenced by on-line media seeking to stimulate the reader‘s curiosity. It is also used as means for viral marketing by people with industrial motives. But above all, the usage of [X-남], [X-녀] type words have a strong nature of exposing social value.