초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study was done to figure out what sort of service quality the visitors of a theme park think much of. The service quality of theme park is the most important factor for customers' satisfaction, and such satisfaction can lead them to have repurchase intention.Most of the customers revisit a theme park on the basis of their own past experience and information through their friends, which means that service quality plays an important role in the theme park. The intention of revisit is strongly influenced by the primary factor of service quality and price. The neat appearances of its clerks, guideboard, buildings, structures, facilities and so on are the most important part in the properties of service quality.By the above mentioned strategy, the customers' devotion and the long-term expectation of profits could be realized. In other words, high qualified service is the basis of the service marketing for the theme park, contributes to enhancing customers' trust, and promotes communications about the theme park with one another in a friendly way. Besides, it can increase the number of visitors and cause the customers to perceive highly the value of the theme park.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

theme park, service quality, price, customer satisfaction, revisit.