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본 연구의 목적은 과학활동을 중심으로 한 수와 사회 통합 교육 활동 수업 사례에서의 유아 반응을 분석하는 것이다. 분석 대상은 충북지역 M유치원 만 5세 유아 5명의 활동 수업 사례들이다. 「물」을 주제로 하여 총 10회 이루어진 교육활동은 선행연구(김숙자․김현정, 2003)에서 제시한 교수-학습과정 기본 모형을 토대로 하여 동기유발 단계, 초기개념 단계, 교수매체 투입, 개별 실험과 소그룹 토의를 통한 확장개념, 심화개념 단계로 재구성하여 이루어졌다. 분석 결과 초기개념의 단계에서는 물을 옮길 수 있는 물체 예측을 통한 분류 개념과 물을 담는 용기의 높이와 물의 양과의 관련성이 분석되었다. 확장개념의 단계에서는 수 관련 개념으로 분류 개념, 수세기, 순서 짓기, 서수 개념, 높이, 크기, 길이, 양, 무게의 측정개념이 분석되었다. 사회 관련 개념은 문제해결을 위해 토의, 실험하기가 계속 순환되는 과정을 통해 나타난 협동하기, 다른 사람 의견 존중하기의 사회관련 개념이 분석되었다. 심화 개념의 단계에서는 물의 양과 물이 흘러나오는 속도, 물체의 형태변화와 부력의 관련성, 가라앉는 물체를 뜨는 물체에 올려놓는 위치와 부력의 관련성이 분석되었다.

The purpose of this study was to analyze teacher's teaching-learning strategies and young children's responses to the science integrated study with mathematics and social studies for young children, based on the basic process model of teaching-learning. The basic process model of teaching-learning is a remodeling which is basic process model of teaching-learning. This was researched by Kim, Suk Ja․Kim, Hyun Joung(2003). To achieve this purpose, actual class episodes were analyzed. The episodes from the classes were derived from 10 sessions of interaction between teacher and 5 kindergarten children. With priority given to scientific activities, educational activities were integrated into mathematics, science and social study. The subject of scientific activities was water. Contents of activities were organized with activities to understand concepts of the volume of water and the velocity of water flow. A qualitative analysis was used to access responses of young children to teaching-studying strategies of teachers in case studies. As a result, young children could have their own scientific ideas about the volume of water, the relationship between volume of water, velocities of water flow, and buoyancy. They could understand the concept of mathematics in practical exercise. By repetitions of experiments and discussions to solve problems, young children could realize the concepts of sociality such as cooperating with each other and respecting other people's opinions.

The purpose of this study was to analyze teacher's teaching-learning strategies and young children's responses to the science integrated study with mathematics and social studies for young children, based on the basic process model of teaching-learning. The basic process model of teaching-learning is a remodeling which is basic process model of teaching-learning. This was researched by Kim, Suk Ja․Kim, Hyun Joung(2003). To achieve this purpose, actual class episodes were analyzed. The episodes from the classes were derived from 10 sessions of interaction between teacher and 5 kindergarten children. With priority given to scientific activities, educational activities were integrated into mathematics, science and social study. The subject of scientific activities was water. Contents of activities were organized with activities to understand concepts of the volume of water and the velocity of water flow. A qualitative analysis was used to access responses of young children to teaching-studying strategies of teachers in case studies. As a result, young children could have their own scientific ideas about the volume of water, the relationship between volume of water, velocities of water flow, and buoyancy. They could understand the concept of mathematics in practical exercise. By repetitions of experiments and discussions to solve problems, young children could realize the concepts of sociality such as cooperating with each other and respecting other people's opinions.