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본 연구는 지방자치화시대의 다양하고 지역특수적 보육 욕구에 따른 질 높은 서비스를 제공하기 위한 하나의 대안으로 ‘지역거점 국공립보육시설모델’의 적용방안에 관한 연구이다. 이는 한국의 보육 환경, 즉 지배적인 민간보육시설, 낮은 보육공공성, 지역간, 시설간 보육시설의 서비스격차 문제를 완화하기 위함이다. 그래서 본 연구는 서울․경기지역을 중심으로 실시되었던 지역거점 보육서비스 시범사업 내용을 SWOT 분석 방법을 토대로 ‘지역거점 국공립보육시설 모델’의 적용방안을 제시하고자 한다. 그 결과 국공립보육시설이 이미 지역사회 중요한 자원으로서 지역거점화 보다는 지역 네트웤의 한 체계로서 복지제공자 역할만이 확대되었다. 그래서 지역거점으로서 국공립보육시설이 구조적인 측면을 포함하여 재구축되기 위해서는 다음과 같은 정책이 수반될 필요가 있다. 첫째, 지역거점 보육체계를 구축할 수 있는 담당자(인적자원), 즉 사회복지사 또는 보육교사가 필요하다. 둘째, 중추적인 국공립보육시설은 인적자원과 물적자원 등의 통합적 환경구축이 선행되어야한다. 지역사회 내 자원연계를 위해서는 지역거점 국공립보육시설의 인적자원, 예를 들면 보건교사, 특수교사 등과 물적자원, 예를 들면 상담실, 강당, 놀이공간 등이 필요하다. 셋째, 자원연계구축을 위한 네트웤 구성과 협력체 형성이 요구된다. 예를 들면 복지관, 학교, 도서관, 병의원, 보건소, 동사무소, 복지관련 센터, 보육관련센터 등의 기관과의 자원연계 구축이 요구된다.

This study suggests a 'regional public educare facility model', an alternative for providing high quality child care services considering various and special care needs of community. This model intends to resolve the current child care problems, characterized by a dominant private child care, a lower public care, and a service gap between public and private care. This study assessed 'local-based care service demonstration project' done at Seoul and Kyungki using SWOT analysis. Results reveals that local-based public child care facilities are important community resources and have a play role of a service provider as the part of a regional network. In order to rebuild local-based public child care facility, following policies should be accomplished. First, we need a social worker or a child care teacher, who are able to be in charge of a local-based care-system. Second, main public child care facilities need to build the infrastructure using human and material resources in order to network resources within community. Human resources include a nurse, and a special teacher. Material resources include a counseling room, a auditorium, and playground. Third, we also need to build network and cooperate with other organizations, such as welfare center, school, library, hospital, public health center, welfare related center, child care related center.

This study suggests a 'regional public educare facility model', an alternative for providing high quality child care services considering various and special care needs of community. This model intends to resolve the current child care problems, characterized by a dominant private child care, a lower public care, and a service gap between public and private care. This study assessed 'local-based care service demonstration project' done at Seoul and Kyungki using SWOT analysis. Results reveals that local-based public child care facilities are important community resources and have a play role of a service provider as the part of a regional network. In order to rebuild local-based public child care facility, following policies should be accomplished. First, we need a social worker or a child care teacher, who are able to be in charge of a local-based care-system. Second, main public child care facilities need to build the infrastructure using human and material resources in order to network resources within community. Human resources include a nurse, and a special teacher. Material resources include a counseling room, a auditorium, and playground. Third, we also need to build network and cooperate with other organizations, such as welfare center, school, library, hospital, public health center, welfare related center, child care related center.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

local-based public child care facility, resources-network, SWOT analysis