초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Gender's Moderating Effect in Determinants of Distribution Service QualityHur, Jeong-Ok*Kim, Chung-Hee**For improvement of distribution service quality, the wages, job-satisfaction and quitting-intent which are related with the internal and external service qualities are studied and analyzed, considering the gender effect in determination of the internal and external service qualities. For statistical analysis and survey, the structural equation model is adopted. In this study, similar gender effect in the service quality is obtained as follows. 1) Improved wages produce positive effect in internal service quality in both male and female genders, but which incentive influences male internal customers more strongly than female internal customers. 2) Job-satisfaction is influenced by internal service quality, and the external service quality is also influenced by internal service quality, but which external service quality influences male more strongly than female. 3) The quitting-intent is inversely dependent upon the job-satisfaction, but in which female are more strongly influenced than male.And the different gender effect in the external service quality is obtained as follows. 1) In improved wages, female produce positive effect on external service quality, but male produces no effect. 2) In job-satisfaction, female produce positive effect on external service quality, but male produce no effect. 3) In quitting-intent, male produce negative effect on external service quality, but female produces no effect. 攀 * Assistant Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, Tamna University

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

gender effect, internal service quality, external service quality, wages, job-satisfaction, quitting-intent