초록 열기/닫기 버튼

We have faced unprecedented and abrupt changes since adoption of the local self-governing system in 1991. There have been made a lot of evaluation on good effect and negative result of the local self-governing system. Most of them are positive but some of them are negative because we have suffered negative effect such as representative's abuse of power and wrongs. There are various kinds of devices to get rid of the limits of modern representative system in the local self-governing system. Among them, recall is a good guarantee for inspecting and controlling malpractice of residents' representative. In this paper, this writer tried to make a very precise and actual recall model for the local self-governing system. Especially, a special law named so-called chejudo special law was made recently. It is noteworthy that this law provides recall of governor and local congressman for the first time. This writer basically agree with the effect of this provision, but this writer hope that some of this provision such as period of exercise should be amended sooner or later in order to control governor and local congressman more effectively. This writer hope that recall system should be adopted in the local self-governing law as soon as possible.