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일본의 행정절차법에 따르면 지방공공단체는 행정절차법을 운영하여야 하는 의무를 부담할 뿐만 아니라 동법 제46조에 의한 노력의무가 지워져 있다. 즉 지방공공단체는 제3조 제2항에 있어서 제2장으로부터 제5장까지의 규정의 적용을 받지 않는 처분, 행정지도 및 신청 절차에 대하여 행정절차법의 취지에 따라 행정운영에 있어서 공정성의 확보와 투명성의 향상을 꾀하기 위한 필요한 조치를 강구하여야 하는 노력의무를 지우고 있다. 또한, ‘지방공공단체에 있어서 행정개혁을 위한 지침의 책정에 대하여’에 있어서도 지방공공단체의 독자의 인허가등의 규칙에 대하여도 적정절차의 정비를 행하여야 하는 것이 요구된다. 이에 따라 일본의 지방공공단체는 행정절차조례를 입법적으로 정비하고 독자의 행정절차에 관한 운영사례를 축적하여 왔다. 우선, 일본의 행정절차법 제정 후 10년간의 변화와 그동안의 법령의 개정내용을 검토하였다. 특히 2005년에 일본에서는 행정절차법에 행정입법절차를 추가하였고 의견제출절차에 대한 대폭적인 변화가 있었는바, 행정절차법 개정의 경위 및 그 주요내용에 대하여 살펴보았다. 다음으로 행정절차법에 대응한 지방공공단체의 행정절차조례의 제정상황과 운영현황 및 그 주요내용을 분석하였다. 우리 행정절차법은 행정처분기준의 설정․공표의무를 지우고 있는데 처분기준의 입법형식 및 처분기준의 법규성이 문제 등이 논의되는데 일본의 경우에 조례에 의한 행정절차의 정비가 중요한 입법형식을 차지하고 있고 행정절차조례에 기한 처분기준이 정비되어 있다. 향후 우리에게 있어서도 지방자치의 실질적 실현이라는 측면에서 행정절차의 조례에 의한 정비라는 측면에서 그 입법현황과 운영현황은 중요한 참고가 되리라 본다. 그리고, 행정절차법에 대응한 일본의 지방공공단체의 세부적인 행정절차개혁에 대하여 구체적인 조례의 정비작업과 운영현황에 대하여 분석하여 보았다. 이를 위하여 의견제출절차에 따른 지방공공단체의 대응에 대하여 구체적인 지방공공단체의 운영현황을 통하여 그 시사점을 규명하였다. 아울러 행정절차 온라인화에 따른 지방공공단체의 운영현황에 대하여도 행정절차온라인화법의 취지에 따른 지방공공단체의 시책에 대하여 구체적으로 살펴보았다. 이러한 일본 지방공공단체의 행정절차개혁에 대한 실증적 고찰은 우리 지방자치단체의 행정절차개혁에 있어서도 입법적 모델로서 기여할 뿐만 아니라 나아가 행정절차의 성공적인 천착에도 기여하리라 본다.

In accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act in Japan, local governments shall take the responsibility for implementing the Administrative Procedure Act and have the obligation to put an endeavor in accordance with Article 46 of the Act above. In other words, local governments shall make an endeavor to take the necessary actions in order to secure the fairness and improve the transparency in the admi- nistrative operation in accordance with the purposes of the Administrative Procedure Act related to the administrative measures and guidance and application process that are not subject to the provisions of Chapters 2 to 5, Clause 2, Article 3 of the Administrative Procedure Act. Furthermore, it is required for local governments to maintain the appropriate procedures for regulations including independent approval and permission of local governments related to the establishment of guidance for the administrative innovation in local governments. Accordingly, the local governments in Japan have been maintaining the administrative procedure ordinances in the legislative aspects and accumulating the unique implementation cases of administrative procedures. First, the change for the 10 years since the establishment of the Administrative Procedure Act in Japan and the revisions up to now were examined. In particular, Japan added the administrative legislative proceedings to the Administrative Procedure Act and the comment proceedings were substantially changed. Thus, the reasons for the revision of the Administrative Procedure Act and major changes were investigated. Next, the establishment, implementation and major contents of administrative procedure ordinances by local authorities in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act were analyzed. The Administrative Procedure Act of Korea specified the obligation to establish and publicly announce the standards of administrative measures beyond the execution of disadvantageous measures. However, the legal question on the administrative regulations with respect to the legislation proceedings of execution standards and the legal question in accordance with the establishment of standards by the legal decrees have been discussed in Korea. The maintenance of administrative procedures by the ordinance is the important legislation form in Japan. The legislation and operation status of administrative procedures in local authorities will be the important reference for the local authorities of Korea in terms of the practical implementation of the local government system in Korea and maintenance by the administrative procedure ordinances. Finally, the actual maintenance and implementation of ordinances by local authorities for the administrative procedure innovation in Japan were analyzed. To this end, this study identified the suggestions related to the comment proceedings from the implementation status by local authorities in Japan. Furthermore, for the imple- mentation status by local authorities according to the implementation of an online administrative procedure system, the policies of local authorities in accordance with the Online Administrative Procedure System Act were examined. The empirical examination n the administrative procedure innovation by the local authorities in Japan will be a useful legislation model for the administrative procedure innovation by the local authorities in Korea and furthermore, for the successful settlement of administrative procedure in Korea.

In accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act in Japan, local governments shall take the responsibility for implementing the Administrative Procedure Act and have the obligation to put an endeavor in accordance with Article 46 of the Act above. In other words, local governments shall make an endeavor to take the necessary actions in order to secure the fairness and improve the transparency in the admi- nistrative operation in accordance with the purposes of the Administrative Procedure Act related to the administrative measures and guidance and application process that are not subject to the provisions of Chapters 2 to 5, Clause 2, Article 3 of the Administrative Procedure Act. Furthermore, it is required for local governments to maintain the appropriate procedures for regulations including independent approval and permission of local governments related to the establishment of guidance for the administrative innovation in local governments. Accordingly, the local governments in Japan have been maintaining the administrative procedure ordinances in the legislative aspects and accumulating the unique implementation cases of administrative procedures. First, the change for the 10 years since the establishment of the Administrative Procedure Act in Japan and the revisions up to now were examined. In particular, Japan added the administrative legislative proceedings to the Administrative Procedure Act and the comment proceedings were substantially changed. Thus, the reasons for the revision of the Administrative Procedure Act and major changes were investigated. Next, the establishment, implementation and major contents of administrative procedure ordinances by local authorities in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act were analyzed. The Administrative Procedure Act of Korea specified the obligation to establish and publicly announce the standards of administrative measures beyond the execution of disadvantageous measures. However, the legal question on the administrative regulations with respect to the legislation proceedings of execution standards and the legal question in accordance with the establishment of standards by the legal decrees have been discussed in Korea. The maintenance of administrative procedures by the ordinance is the important legislation form in Japan. The legislation and operation status of administrative procedures in local authorities will be the important reference for the local authorities of Korea in terms of the practical implementation of the local government system in Korea and maintenance by the administrative procedure ordinances. Finally, the actual maintenance and implementation of ordinances by local authorities for the administrative procedure innovation in Japan were analyzed. To this end, this study identified the suggestions related to the comment proceedings from the implementation status by local authorities in Japan. Furthermore, for the imple- mentation status by local authorities according to the implementation of an online administrative procedure system, the policies of local authorities in accordance with the Online Administrative Procedure System Act were examined. The empirical examination n the administrative procedure innovation by the local authorities in Japan will be a useful legislation model for the administrative procedure innovation by the local authorities in Korea and furthermore, for the successful settlement of administrative procedure in Korea.