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극명한 이념 대립 이후에 동서냉전체제의 붕괴는 국제 사회에 평화와 안정이 도래되었다는 기대감을 잠시 안겨 주었다. 그러나 미국을 중심으로 하는 서방 국가들에 의해 국제 질서가 재편되는 과정에서 국제 사회는 안보 개념의 변화를 통하여 자국 또는 정치․경제 공동체의 이익을 추구하였다. 미국과 서방 국가들은 포괄적 안보 개념에 근거하여 정치, 군사적 측면 이외에 경제, 문화, 자원 등으로 안보 개념의 범위를 확대하였다. 이러한 과정에서 중동 지역의 자원을 둘러싼 분쟁이 시작되었으며, 반미성향의 국가들과 단체들은 자신들의 주의주장을 표출하는 방식으로 9․11 테러범죄라는 방식을 선택하였다. 미국의 9․11이후의 신종 테러범죄(new terrorism)는 첫째, 기법적 측면에서 요구 조건이나 공격 주체가 불명확하고 자신의 생명을 담보로 테러범죄를 자행하고, 정보통신기술을 적극적으로 활용하여 세계 각 지역에 네트워크(net-work)를 형성하고 있으며 인터넷을 활용한 정보등을 교류하여 조직을 파악하기에 어려움이 있다. 또한 테러범죄가 동시다발적이고 연속적으로 발생하기에 사전예방 이외에는 방법이 없다. 둘째, 보호 법익적 측면에서 개인적 법익, 사회적 법익, 국가적 법익을 모두 침해하고 있다. 셋째, 국가 형벌의 측면에서 테러범죄를 자행하는 테러범은 자신의 생명을 담보로 하는 범죄 기법을 선택하기에 실질적인 처벌의 대상자가 없는 경우가 많다. 또한 테러범은 정치, 종교, 사상적 측면에서 확고한 신념과 믿음에 근거하므로 실질적인 교화, 감화, 개선의 효과를 기대하기에 한계가 있다고 판단된다. 이에 본 연구에서는 이러한 테러범죄에 대한 효율화된 수사방안을 모색하기 위하여 첫째, 테러범죄를 사전에 차단하기 위한 첩보 및 정보 수집의 효율화 방안을 모색하였다. 이를 위하여 테러방지법 제정을 통하여 테러범죄의 폭력행위 범위를 한정함으로써 국민의 인권 침해 우려가 있는 우편물 및 전기통신에 대한 검열 및 감청할 수 있는 방안을 논의하였고 또한 현행 통신비밀보호법의 감청 기간 연장에 대해 언급하였다. 둘째, 테러범죄의 수사 효율화를 위하여 미국의 9․11사태 이후의 신종 테러범죄는 테러범이 자신의 생명을 담보로 범행을 자행하기에, 테러범죄의 피해자는 있는데 가해자가 없는 현상이 증가하는 측면에 초점을 두고, 테러범죄 사전예방을 위한 대테러전담기구의 특별사법경찰관리의 역할 제고 방안을 논의하였다.

The collapse of cold war caused by ideologies gave the feeling of relief and the hope to the international society that the peace and stability have finally arrived. However, in the process of international order reorganization by western countries such as USA, the international society began to pursue the profit of international and economic community as well as that of the member countries themselves through the changes in the concept of security. During the process, USA and other western countries started to expand the scope of security to economics, culture and resources as well as politics and military sides based on the broad concept of security. In the mean time there were conflicts on the resources in Middle East and anti-america nations and organizations chose to perform 9․11 terror to express their ideologies and opinions. The new terrorism after 9․11 have certain characteristics. First, they do not have clear requests nor conspicuous subjects. They perform terrors sacrificing their own lives. It is difficult to identify their organization because they have set up an network all over the world using IT technology actively. Additionally, terrors occur concurrently and consecutively, there is no other way than prevention. Second, it infringes all the values that should be protected by law such as private, social and national values. Third, terrorists sacrifice their lives for the crimes so there are many cases that there are no actual people to be punished because they are already dead. Additionally as they have secure faith in politically or ideologically, it is very hard to expect actual improvement or changes in their thinking or behaviors. Therefore in this study we have tried to make the information collection and intelligent jobs more effective to prevent terrors in advance. For this purpose, we discussed how to sensor or monitor mails and electronic communication that can infringe the human rights by limiting it to the violent behaviors of terrors. Additionally, the prolonged monitoring under the current Communication Secrecy Law was mentioned. Second, to make thee investigation more efficient, it was discussed to improve the role of special police who are dedicated to terrors to prevent terrors as there are more cases that the attackers are already dead men because of the crime itself.

The collapse of cold war caused by ideologies gave the feeling of relief and the hope to the international society that the peace and stability have finally arrived. However, in the process of international order reorganization by western countries such as USA, the international society began to pursue the profit of international and economic community as well as that of the member countries themselves through the changes in the concept of security. During the process, USA and other western countries started to expand the scope of security to economics, culture and resources as well as politics and military sides based on the broad concept of security. In the mean time there were conflicts on the resources in Middle East and anti-america nations and organizations chose to perform 9․11 terror to express their ideologies and opinions. The new terrorism after 9․11 have certain characteristics. First, they do not have clear requests nor conspicuous subjects. They perform terrors sacrificing their own lives. It is difficult to identify their organization because they have set up an network all over the world using IT technology actively. Additionally, terrors occur concurrently and consecutively, there is no other way than prevention. Second, it infringes all the values that should be protected by law such as private, social and national values. Third, terrorists sacrifice their lives for the crimes so there are many cases that there are no actual people to be punished because they are already dead. Additionally as they have secure faith in politically or ideologically, it is very hard to expect actual improvement or changes in their thinking or behaviors. Therefore in this study we have tried to make the information collection and intelligent jobs more effective to prevent terrors in advance. For this purpose, we discussed how to sensor or monitor mails and electronic communication that can infringe the human rights by limiting it to the violent behaviors of terrors. Additionally, the prolonged monitoring under the current Communication Secrecy Law was mentioned. Second, to make thee investigation more efficient, it was discussed to improve the role of special police who are dedicated to terrors to prevent terrors as there are more cases that the attackers are already dead men because of the crime itself.