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제주4․3사건은 해방과 국토의 분단과정의 암울한 정치적 상황에서 무력충돌과 진압과정에서 억울하게 제주주민들이 희생당한 최대의 사건이다. 제주4․3사건은 반세기를 보냈다. 그 동안 피해단체 등 시민단체들이 지속적인 운동이 결실을 맺어 2000년 1월 12일「제주4․3사건진상규명및희생자명예회복에관한특별법」을 제정하여 희생자에 대한 명예회복과 사회보장적 차원에서 보상이라는 명분으로 생활지원금과 의료지원금 지급이라는 미미한 결과를 가져왔다. 그러나 제주4․3사건의 본질론적인 문제에 있어 행위자의 책임과 그 책임에 대한 보상 또는 배상과 관련한 피해자의 구제수단에 대한 규정은 찾아볼 수가 없다. 제주4․3사건의 진정한 해결방법은 철저한 진상규명을 선행한 다음 이데올로기적 이념의 측면을 넘어서 해방에서 분단으로 가는 역사적․정치적 소용돌이 속에서 아무런 영문도 모른 체 억울하게 희생당한 희생자와 그 유족 및 피해자에 대하여 정신적․물질적 구제수단에 관한 강구책을 모색하여야 한다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 현행 특별법상 미봉책에 불과하고 있는 구제수단을 확대하고 완결시키기 위하여 제주4․3사건 피해자에 대한 책임과 근거를 고찰하고 구제수단에 관한 법리를 검토함으로써 방향을 제시하고자 하였다.

Jeju April 3rd is the biggest incident which residents in Jeju were sacrificed under a false accusation in the process to reduce it and armed conflict in a dark political situation of liberation and division of the country. In the meanwhile, Jeju established 「 Special law of fact-finding and honor victim on Jeju April 3rd 」 on January 12, 2000 with bearing fruit by civic groups' continuous campaigns. Also, it brought a insignificant result which supports medical and living expenses in the name of compensation on social security and honor victim of views. However, we can not find it the regulation of victim's relief measure in relation to compensation and indemnification of the responsibility and people's responsibility on essential matter of Jeju April 3rd. A real solution of Jeju April 3rd should be sought for countermeasure of psychological  physical relief measure for the bereaved and victims were sacrificed on a false charge without any reason in the historical  political maelstrom to the way from liberation to division over ideological ideas after investing the truth of it. Therefore, this thesis considers responsibility and ground of Jeju April 3rd victims to complete and expand the relief measure which is only stopgap measure on current special law and shows a way to go by examining legal principle about relief measure.

Jeju April 3rd is the biggest incident which residents in Jeju were sacrificed under a false accusation in the process to reduce it and armed conflict in a dark political situation of liberation and division of the country. In the meanwhile, Jeju established 「 Special law of fact-finding and honor victim on Jeju April 3rd 」 on January 12, 2000 with bearing fruit by civic groups' continuous campaigns. Also, it brought a insignificant result which supports medical and living expenses in the name of compensation on social security and honor victim of views. However, we can not find it the regulation of victim's relief measure in relation to compensation and indemnification of the responsibility and people's responsibility on essential matter of Jeju April 3rd. A real solution of Jeju April 3rd should be sought for countermeasure of psychological  physical relief measure for the bereaved and victims were sacrificed on a false charge without any reason in the historical  political maelstrom to the way from liberation to division over ideological ideas after investing the truth of it. Therefore, this thesis considers responsibility and ground of Jeju April 3rd victims to complete and expand the relief measure which is only stopgap measure on current special law and shows a way to go by examining legal principle about relief measure.