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성남시 도시재개발 사업은 성남 구시가지에 대한 재개발 사업으로서 2006년부터 1단계, 2단계, 3단계로 실시할 예정이었다. 그런데, 성남시 1단계 사업이 진행되고, 2단계 사업이 진행되던 중 2010년 토지주택공사의 사업 중단이 발표되어 재개발 사업이 답보상태에 놓여있다. 그 내용은 최근 부동산 침체가 장기화돼 분양가의 기준이 되는 인근 거래시세가 건설원가보다 낮아 분양대금이 사업비를 충당할 수 없게 되는 등 성남시 도시재개발 사업에 대한 제도적인 문제와 운영상의 문제점이 가중되고 있는 실정이다. 따라서, 성남시 도시재개발 제도의 합리성 도모와 사업의 일관성, 비용의 절감 등 효율적인 도시재개발 사업을 위한 도시재개발 사업에 대한 문제점 제거와 그 개선방안이 요구되고 있다. 첫째, 주민들의 적극적인 참여가 요청된다. 도시재정비사업에 있어서 공공기관은 계획수립시부터 사업 종료시까지 최대한 주민의 참여를 보장할 수 있도록 동기를 부여하고 정보를 제공하며, 공공기관과 주민간 상호 긴밀한 교류가 요구된다. 둘째, 임대주택에 대한 적정한 임대료가 책정되어야 한다. 순환정비방식에 의한 이주단지의 경우, 주민들의 주거수준에 맞는 임대료의 책정이 필요하다. 즉, 영세한 주민들의 주거안정을 기하고 재정착률을 높이기 위해서는 임대료 수준을 현실에 맞게 조정해야 한다. 셋째, 세입자 보호이다. 세입자의 재정착율을 높이기 위해서 공공기관이 재개발의 주체가 되어 용적률 인센티브를 부여하고, 임대주택을 의무적으로 확대․공급하며, 입주 부담금을 월 단위로 상환하여 입주부담을 줄이는 방법이 고려된다. 그리고 부적격세입자에게도 순환주택 입주를 허용해야 하며, 세입자나 상가세입자에 대하여도 충분한 보상이 이루어지도록 해야 한다. 넷째, 공적 기능의 확대이다. 공공기관으로서 공공개발에 주도적인 역할을 하기 위해서는 우선 충분한 자금운영 및 확보가 중요하다. 충분한 재정자금의 지원, 공공기금의 지원, 세제혜택 등 정부의 지원은 필수적이라 하겠다. 다섯째, 주민의 개발 부담을 줄이도록 한다. 현재, 그동안 부동산 침체와 LH의 재정여건상 주민 부담률이 올라가 성남시 내에서만 200억 정도가 소요되는 주민부담이 예상되고 있다. 따라서 주택재정비 기금을 마련하여 주민부담을 완화시키는 것이 급선무다. 즉, 주민 부담을 경감시키고 재개발 촉진을 위한 구체적인 방안으로 주민 기존의 재산평가 방법에서 주민에게 유리한 평가방식도 고려된다. 여섯째, 합동재개발 추진이다. 현재, 부동산 경기침체와 LH공사의 재정난에 대한 타개책으로 민자유치에 의한 민․공합동재개발방식의 사업촉진대책안이 요구된다. 즉, LH는 사업시행자로서의 입지를 유지하되, 민간시공사가 설계․시공 일괄도급 방식으로 사업을 수주해 자금조달 및 책임준공․책임분양을 전제조건으로 실질적인 사업의 추진주체로 참여함으로써 LH는 재정투입의 부담에서 벗어나 사업 공공성 확보에 주력하고 민간은 포괄적․창의적인 자율성을 보장하는 것이다. 결국, 성남시의 도시개발 사업이 지연되고 있는 이유는 재개발을 둘러 싼 권리관계가 복잡하게 얽혀 있고, 막대한 비용을 조달하기 어려운 점이다. 공공주도의 방식만으로는 침체상태에 있는 성남시 재개발을 촉진시킬 수가 없다. 따라서 재개발을 둘러싼 복잡한 권리관계를 조정하고 사업을 촉진하기 위해서는 공공과 민간의 적극적인 참여를 통한 공공성 확보가 절실하게 필요하다.

The redevelopment business for Sungnam-si, which was the redevelopment of old urban area of Sungnam-si, was planned to have three steps from 2006. After two steps, however, the redevelopment business was stopped because of the declaration of the Land and Housing Corporation’s suspension of the business in 2010. The reasons were that systemic and operating problems are increasing, such problem that housing payment could not cover the business cost since local market value for trade, which is the standard for housing payment, was lower than the original cost of construction; this was resulted by the extended period of real estate recession. Thus, in order for efficient redevelopment business such as aiming the rationality of redevelopment system, consistency of the business, and reduction of cost, it is required to solve the problem about the business and to have alternatives. First, citizens’ active participation is required. For the business of redevelopment, public offices should motivate citizens to participate, provide information, and build close relationship with them from the beginning of planning to the end of the business. Second, proper rental fees for rental housing should be set up. For the case of subdivision areas made for moving resulted by circulating maintenance system, proper rental fees should be set up which consider the level of citizens’ living status. In other words, to achieve high level of resettlement ratio by aiming settlement for small residents, the rental fees should be adjusted properly. Third, tenants should be secured. For high resettlement ratio of tenants, it could be considered as the method that public offices as the main agent should provide incentives regarding floor area ratio, expand and supply rental housing obligatorily, and lower the burden of move-in by paying the shares monthly. In addition, they should allow unqualified tenants to move-in to circulation housing, and there should be enough commission to general tenants and shopping district tenants. Fourth, public functions should be expanded. In order for a public organization to take the main role in public development, enough level of financing system should be established. Governmental support, such as enough finance, public funds and tax favor, is vital. Fifth, lower residents’ share for the cost of development. Today, as a result of real estate recession and Land and Housing Corporation’s financial status, the residents’ share for the cost of development is expected to be 20 billion won; therefore, the first step to make is to lower the burden of residents by raising funds for housing renewal. In other words, evaluation system of wealth level favorable to residents is considered as a detailed plan to reduce burdens and accelerate redevelopment. Sixth, cooperated redevelopment plan can be considered. Now, for the solution of real estate recession and Land and Housing Corporation’s financial problem, it is required to have the alternative plan of cooperated redevelopment of the public and the private in order to accelerate the business. This is, Land and Housing Corporation needs to keep the position of business performer, and private companies participate as the actual main performers of the business with the condition of financing through lump work, responsibility of completion and responsibility of selling in lots; the Land and Housing Corporation can focus on the publicness of the business without worrying about financing, and the private can be guaranteed with comprehensive and creative autonomy. Conclusively, the reason of delay of urban development in Sungnam-si is the complexity of interest from the redevelopment business and the problem of raising a lot of funds. It is hard to accelerate the redevelopment of Sungnam-si only with cooperating plan. Thus, achieving publicness through active participation of the public and the private is the key to solve the problem of interest and accelerate the business.

The redevelopment business for Sungnam-si, which was the redevelopment of old urban area of Sungnam-si, was planned to have three steps from 2006. After two steps, however, the redevelopment business was stopped because of the declaration of the Land and Housing Corporation’s suspension of the business in 2010. The reasons were that systemic and operating problems are increasing, such problem that housing payment could not cover the business cost since local market value for trade, which is the standard for housing payment, was lower than the original cost of construction; this was resulted by the extended period of real estate recession. Thus, in order for efficient redevelopment business such as aiming the rationality of redevelopment system, consistency of the business, and reduction of cost, it is required to solve the problem about the business and to have alternatives. First, citizens’ active participation is required. For the business of redevelopment, public offices should motivate citizens to participate, provide information, and build close relationship with them from the beginning of planning to the end of the business. Second, proper rental fees for rental housing should be set up. For the case of subdivision areas made for moving resulted by circulating maintenance system, proper rental fees should be set up which consider the level of citizens’ living status. In other words, to achieve high level of resettlement ratio by aiming settlement for small residents, the rental fees should be adjusted properly. Third, tenants should be secured. For high resettlement ratio of tenants, it could be considered as the method that public offices as the main agent should provide incentives regarding floor area ratio, expand and supply rental housing obligatorily, and lower the burden of move-in by paying the shares monthly. In addition, they should allow unqualified tenants to move-in to circulation housing, and there should be enough commission to general tenants and shopping district tenants. Fourth, public functions should be expanded. In order for a public organization to take the main role in public development, enough level of financing system should be established. Governmental support, such as enough finance, public funds and tax favor, is vital. Fifth, lower residents’ share for the cost of development. Today, as a result of real estate recession and Land and Housing Corporation’s financial status, the residents’ share for the cost of development is expected to be 20 billion won; therefore, the first step to make is to lower the burden of residents by raising funds for housing renewal. In other words, evaluation system of wealth level favorable to residents is considered as a detailed plan to reduce burdens and accelerate redevelopment. Sixth, cooperated redevelopment plan can be considered. Now, for the solution of real estate recession and Land and Housing Corporation’s financial problem, it is required to have the alternative plan of cooperated redevelopment of the public and the private in order to accelerate the business. This is, Land and Housing Corporation needs to keep the position of business performer, and private companies participate as the actual main performers of the business with the condition of financing through lump work, responsibility of completion and responsibility of selling in lots; the Land and Housing Corporation can focus on the publicness of the business without worrying about financing, and the private can be guaranteed with comprehensive and creative autonomy. Conclusively, the reason of delay of urban development in Sungnam-si is the complexity of interest from the redevelopment business and the problem of raising a lot of funds. It is hard to accelerate the redevelopment of Sungnam-si only with cooperating plan. Thus, achieving publicness through active participation of the public and the private is the key to solve the problem of interest and accelerate the business.