초록 열기/닫기 버튼

]The main figures of youth group in Yeongdeok area in the early 1920s were former officials, landowners or capitalists, so the reality of youth group did not agree with the name. Its activity also was rather about cultural enlightenment as part of line of cultivating ability in order to prepare independence by promoting education, culture and industry. As new youngsters having the tendency of socialism returned home in the midst of 1920s, the constitution and activity of the youth organization began to transform and it accepted the transforming movement rising in the center of the field as it was. The group transferred the content of activity from cultural enlightenment to proletariat oriented youth movement, actively intervening in educational activity and social issues. In the late 1920s, youngsters organized the Yeongdeok Youth Union, a centralizing system, embracing even youngsters of nationalism. The youth group in Yeongdeok area took part in activities like culture and education, campaign against Japanese colonial rule, campaign for popular daily life and guidance of student movement. Youngsters' activity did not end at the youth movement itself and strived to activate movement of each section that was inactive compared to other regions. As such the youth movement was at the center of local popular movement in the situation that laborer movement and farmer movement could not carry out its role as daily struggle of classes in proper order. (Chungnam National University/hjong@cnu.ac.kr)