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The purpose of this paper is to examine agrarian collectivization during the period of Spanish Civil War, focused on the case of Monzon county, located in Huesca province. For this, we've analysed especially an important documentary material, Realizaciones revolucionarias y estructuras colectivistas de la Comarcal de Monzón, pubished by C.N.T. The Agrarian Collectives in Monzon county that were established mainly by the anarchists have showed diverse characteristics according to the period. The collective experiment was established in a very radical way in the period of Revolutionary Committee, while it was institutionalized bureaucratically in the period of Aragon Council and its revolutionary characteristic was disappeared in the last period, that is, the period of its breakup. The Agrarian Collectives that continued to be during one year or more were a kind of revolutionary movement which tried to realize anarchist principles in the rural world. This was not only an agrarian revolution that destroyed the established structure of land propriety but also a social revolution that dismantled all forms of the subordinate relationships. It was an alternative movement that tried to establish an anarchist community, too.