초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Japanese who are currently staying in Korea and learning Korean language are faced with the situation when they have to deal with appropriate use of honorifics, in communicating with Korean native speakers. It seems to be significant for learners to use appropriate honorifics in Korean society. First, in this study, the researcher grasps the learners` understandings of honorifics through the researcher-prepared questionnaire, and then investigates the actual use of honorifics in their everyday life. Also, as the theoretical background of the study, the characteristics of Korean phonetics, the required proficiencies of using Korean honorifics, and the cross-linguistic features between Japanese and Korean honorifics are also investigated. Finally, as a result of error analysis and proficiencies of using honorifics, researcher presents the education principles of Korean honorifics along with the issues of current Korean honorifics education. (Hongik University)