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This study investigated the effects of vocabulary glosses on incidental vocabulary learning through reading by Thai learners of intermediate Korean. The study focused on how two types of vocabulary glosses (i.e., multiple-choice glosses and single glosses) would affect incidental vocabulary learning and word retention. This experiment adopted a posttest-only control group design. The study included two dependent variables (i.e., a reading comprehension test and an immediate and delayed vocabulary posttest) and one independent variable (i.e., type of gloss). The results indicated that: (1) vocabulary glosses facilitated incidental vocabulary learning. The multiple-choice gloss group showed a significantly better result than the control group in the immediate vocabulary posttest. The difference between the multiple-choice gloss group and the single gloss group was not statistically significant. (2) Vocabulary glosses facilitated the retention of words incidentally learned. The multiple-choice gloss group and the single gloss group showed a significantly better result than the control group. No statistically significant difference was found between the multiple-choice gloss group and the single gloss group. This study also suggested pedagogic implications of the research findings to KFL vocabulary teaching and learning. (Seoul Womans University)