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Chun-Ju Kim, Seung Hae Kang. 2016. The Influence of Self-Efficacy on Academic Achievement and Team Effectiveness -A Focus on the Mediating Effect of Scaffolding through Knowledge Sharing Activities. Journal of Korean Language education 27-2: 1-23. This study shows the results of research on the influence of knowledge sharing activities on academic achievement and team effectiveness. Specifically, this study examined the effect of knowledge sharing activities on self-efficacy and team effectiveness based on the scaffolding which occurs within the zone of proximal development. This study was conducted at a university Korean language program in central Seoul. A total of 160 students in the program were surveyed on self-efficacy, knowledge sharing activities and team effectiveness, from which we selected 126 student responses to evaluate for this study. After the analysis, we found that knowledge sharing activities influence self-efficacy; however, knowledge sharing activities did not have an effect on academic achievement. Conversely, self-efficacy had an effect on team effectiveness. In this research, we empirically reviewed the mediating role of the relationship between knowledge sharing and team effectiveness, and how scaffolding occurred amongst the learners through knowledge sharing activities which lead to an increase in team effectiveness. Therefore, there must be an effort to increase team effectiveness through a variety of team activities, rather than individual activities, for successful Korean language learning. (Yonsei University)